#include <termios.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+/* Declare prototype. */
+static void printstep(int step, char *message);
/* True if a partition is an extended partition. */
#define ext_part(s) ((s) == 0x05 || (s) == 0x0F)
region_t *reg;
int nofree = 0;
+ printstep(2, "Select a disk region");
if(nr_regions < 1) {
printf("\nNo regions found - maybe the drive is too small.\n"
"Please try expert mode.\n");
do {
- printstep(5, "Select a region");
printf("\nI've found the following region%s on this disk (%s).\n\n",
SORNOT(nr_regions), prettysizeprint(table[0].size/2));
printf("That region number isn't available.\n");
- printstep(6, "Confirm your partition choice");
sure = is_sure(0, "\nPlease confirm you want to use disk region number %d?", rn);
} else {
- printstep(6, "Confirm your partition choice");
rn = 0;
sure = is_sure(0, "\nUse this region?");
-void printstep(int step, char *str)
+static void printstep(int step, char *str)
int n;
- n = printf("\n --- Step %d: %s ", step, str);
+ n = printf("\n --- Substep 2.%d: %s ---", step, str);
while(n++ < 70) printf("-");
- printf("\n\n");
+ printf("\n");
device_t *
int i, choice, drives;
static char line[500];
+ printstep(1, "Select a disk to install MINIX");
printf("\nProbing for disks. This may take a short while.");
do {
for(; i < MAX_DEVICES;) {
- printf(".");
m_read('r', NULL);
if(device >= 0) {
devices[i].dev = curdev;
printf("\nProbing done; %d drive%s found.\n", drives, SORNOT(drives));
- if(drives == 1) {
- sure = 1;
- choice = 0;
- } else {
- printstep(3, "Choose a disk to install MINIX 3 on");
printf("\nI've found the following drive%s on your system.\n", SORNOT(drives));
for(i = 0; i < drives; i++) {
- if(drives > 1)
- printf("\n %2d. ", i);
- else printf(" ");
- printf(" (%s, ", devices[i].dev->name);
+ printf(" ");
+ printf("Disk %d", i);
+ printf(" ( %s, ", devices[i].dev->name);
printf("%s)\n", prettysizeprint(devices[i].sectors/2));
printregions(devices[i].regions, 8,
devices[i].nr_regions, 0);
+ if (drives > 1) {
printf("\nPlease enter disk number you want to use: ");
if(!fgets(line, sizeof(line)-2, stdin))
printf("Number out of range.\n");
- printstep(4, "Confirm your choice");
+ }
+ else {
+ choice = 0;
+ }
sure = is_sure(0, "\nPlease confirm you want to use disk %d (%s)?",
choice, devices[choice].dev->name);
- }
} while(!sure);
return devices[choice].dev;
struct part_entry *pe;
char sure[50];
struct part_entry orig_table[1 + NR_PARTITIONS];
+ int region, disk;
nordonly = 1;
probing = 1;
- printstep(7, "Point of no return");
+ printstep(3, "Confirm your choices");
+ region = (int)(r-regions);
+ disk = (int) (curdev-firstdev);
- printf("\nThis is the point of no return. You have selected to install MINIX\n");
- printf("into region %d of disk %d. If you agree with this selection, your\n", (int)(r-regions), (int) (curdev-firstdev));
- printf("disk will be written to prepare for the rest of the installation.\n\n");
+ printf("\nThis is the point of no return. You have selected to install MINIX\n");
+ printf("into region %d of disk %d (%sp%d). Please confirm that you want\n", region, disk, devices[disk].dev->name, region);
+ printf("to use this selection to install MINIX.\n\n");
if(!is_sure(SURE_SERIOUS, "Are you sure you want to continue?"))
return 1;
*) fdroot=$thisroot # ?
-echo -n "\
-This is the MINIX installation script.
+echo -n "
+Welcome to the MINIX installation script.
Note 1: If the screen blanks, hit CTRL+F3 to select \"software scrolling\".
Note 2: If things go wrong then hit DEL and start over.
-Note 3: Some questions have default answers, like this: [y]
- Simply hit ENTER if you want to choose that answer.
+Note 3: Default answers, like [y], can simply be chosen by hitting ENTER.
Note 4: If you see a colon (:) then you should hit ENTER to continue.
read ret
-echo " --- Step 1: Select keyboard type ---------------------------------"
-echo "
-What type of keyboard do you have? You can choose one of:
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 1: Select keyboard type --------------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo "What type of keyboard do you have? You can choose one of:"
+echo ""
ls -C /usr/lib/keymaps | sed -e 's/\.map//g' -e 's/^/ /'
echo -n "
Keyboard type? [us-std] "; read keymap
while [ "$ok" = "" ]
-echo "
- --- Step 2: Select your expertise level ---------------------------
- echo "Now you need to create a MINIX 3 partition on the hard disk."
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 2: Create a partition for MINIX 3 ----------------------------"
+echo ""
+ echo "Now you need to create a MINIX 3 partition on your hard disk."
+ echo "Unless you are an expert, you are advised to use the automated"
+ echo "step-by-step help in setting up."
+ echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to use (A)utomatic or the e(X)pert mode? [A] "
read ch
case "$ch" in
Please finish the name of the primary partition you have created:
(Just type ENTER if you want to rerun \"part\") /dev/"
read primary
- done
+echo ""
+echo "This is the point of no return. You have selected to install MINIX"
+echo "on partition /dev/$primary. Please confirm that you want to use this"
+echo "selection to install MINIX."
+echo ""
+while [ -z "$confirmation" -o "$confirmation" != yes ]
+ do
+ echo -n "Are you sure you want to continue? Please enter 'yes' or 'no':"
+ read confirmation
+ done
# Automatic mode
while [ -z "$primary" ]
echo $i
-echo " --- Step 8: Select your Ethernet chip ----------------------------"
-# Ask user about networking
echo ""
+echo " --- Step 3: Select your Ethernet chip ---------------------------------"
+echo ""
+# Ask user about networking
echo "MINIX currently supports the following Ethernet cards. Please choose: "
echo ""
echo "0. No Ethernet card (no networking)"
echo "1. Intel Pro/100"
echo "2. Realtek 8139 based card"
echo "3. Realtek 8029 based card (emulated by Qemu)"
-echo "4. NE2000, 3com 503 or WD based card (NE2000 is emulated by Bochs)"
-echo "5. NE2000, with default settings for Bochs emulation in $LOCALRC"
-echo "6. A 3com 501 or 509"
-echo "7. A different Ethernet card (no networking)"
+echo "4. NE2000, 3com 503 or WD based card (emulated by Bochs)"
+echo "5. 3Com 501 or 3Com 509 based card"
+echo "6. Different Ethernet card (no networking)"
echo ""
-echo "With some cards, you'll have to edit $LOCALRC "
-echo "after installing to the proper parameters."
+echo "With some cards, you'll have to edit $LOCALRC after installing."
echo ""
echo "You can always change your mind after the install."
echo ""
-echo -n "Choice? "
+echo -n "Choice? [0] "
read eth
-config_warn="Note: After installing, please edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration."
+Note: After installing, edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration.
+If you chose option 4, the defaults for emulation by Bochs have been set."
case "$eth" in
1) driver=fxp; ;;
2) driver=rtl8139; ;;
3) driver=dp8390; driverargs="dp8390_arg='DPETH0=pci'"; ;;
- 4) driver=dp8390; driverargs="#dp8390_arg='DPETH0=port:irq:memory'";
- echo $config_warn;
+ 4) driver=dp8390; driverargs="dp8390_arg='DPETH0=240:9'";
+ echo "$config_warn";
- 5) driver=dp8390; driverargs="dp8390_arg='DPETH0=240:9'"; ;;
- 6) driver=dpeth; driverargs="#dpeth_arg='DPETH0=port:irq:memory'";
- echo $config_warn;
+ 5) driver=dpeth; driverargs="#dpeth_arg='DPETH0=port:irq:memory'";
+ echo "$config_warn";
-echo " --- Step 9: Select a disk block size -----------------------------"
-echo "The default block size on the disk is $blockdefault KB.
-If you have a small disk or small RAM you may want 1 KB blocks.
-Please type 1 then, or leave it at the default.
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 4: Select a block size ---------------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo "The maximum (and default) file system block size is $blockdefault KB."
+echo "For a small disk or small RAM you may want 1 or 2 KB blocks."
+echo ""
while [ -z "$blocksize" ]
-do echo -n "Block size in kilobytes [$blockdefault]? "
+do echo -n "Block size in kilobytes? [$blockdefault] "
read blocksize
if [ -z "$blocksize" ]
then blocksize=$blockdefault
if [ "$blocksize" -ne 1 -a "$blocksize" -ne 2 -a "$blocksize" -ne $blockdefault ]
- then echo "$blocksize bogus block size. 1, 2 or $blockdefault please."
+ then echo "$blocksize KB is a bogus block size; 1, 2 or $blockdefault KB please."
blocksizebytes="`expr $blocksize '*' 1024`"
-echo " --- Step 10: Allocate swap space ----------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 5: Allocate swap space ---------------------------------------"
+echo ""
echo -n "How much swap space would you like? Swapspace is only needed if this
-system is memory starved. If you have 128 MB of memory or more, you
+system is memory starved. If you have 128 MB of memory or more, you
probably don't need it. If you have less and want to run many programs
at once, I suggest setting it to the memory size.
read swapsize
test -z "$swapsize" && swapsize=$swapadv
-echo "
- --- Step 11: Check all your choices ----------------------------------
-echo -n "You have created a partition named: /dev/$primary
+echo "
+You have selected to install MINIX in the partition /dev/$primary.
The following subpartitions are about to be created on /dev/$primary:
- Root subpartition: /dev/$root 2 MB
- Swap subpartition: /dev/$swap $swapsize kb
+ Root subpartition: /dev/$root 16 MB
+ Swap subpartition: /dev/$swap $swapsize KB
/usr subpartition: /dev/$usr rest of $primary
-Hit ENTER if everything looks fine, or hit DEL to bail out if you want to
-think it over. The next step will overwrite /dev/$primary.
-read ret
# Secondary master bootstrap.
installboot -m /dev/$primary /usr/mdec/masterboot >/dev/null || exit
# Partition the primary.
test "$swapsize" -gt 0 && p3=81:`expr $swapsize \* 2`
-partition /dev/$primary 1 81:4096* $p3 81:0+ || exit
+partition /dev/$primary 1 81:32768* $p3 81:0+ > /dev/null || exit
if [ "$swapsize" -gt 0 ]
-echo " --- Step 12: Wait for bad block detection ----------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 6: Wait for bad block detection ------------------------------"
+echo ""
mkfs -B $blocksizebytes /dev/$usr
-echo "\
-Scanning /dev/$usr for bad blocks. (Hit DEL to stop the scan if you are
-absolutely sure that there can not be any bad blocks. Otherwise just wait.)"
+echo "Scanning /dev/$usr for bad blocks. (Hit DEL to stop the scan if you are"
+echo "absolutely sure that there can not be any bad blocks. Otherwise just wait.)"
+echo ""
trap ': nothing' 2
readall -b /dev/$usr | sh
trap 2
-echo " --- Step 13: Wait for files to be copied ------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo " --- Step 7: Wait for files to be copied -------------------------------"
+echo ""
mount /dev/$usr /mnt || exit # Mount the intended /usr.
test $cache -lt 64 && cache=0
test $cache -gt 1024 && cache=1024
-echo "Second level file system block cache set to $cache kb."
+# echo "Second level file system block cache set to $cache KB."
if [ $cache -eq 0 ]; then cache=; else cache="ramsize=$cache"; fi
- # Make bootable.
+# Make bootable.
installboot -d /dev/$root /usr/mdec/bootblock /boot/boot >/dev/null || exit
-edparams /dev/$root "rootdev=$root; ramimagedev=$root; $disable $cache; main() { echo This is the MINIX 3 boot monitor.; echo MINIX will load in 5 seconds, or press ESC.; trap 5000 boot; menu; }; save" || exit
+edparams /dev/$root "rootdev=$root; ramimagedev=$root; $disable $cache; main() { echo By default, MINIX 3 will automatically load in 3 seconds.; echo Press ESC to enter the monitor for special configuration.; trap 3000 boot; menu; }; save" || exit
-echo "Remembering boot parameters in ${pfile}."
+# echo "Remembering boot parameters in ${pfile}."
echo "rootdev=$root; ramimagedev=$root; $cache; save" >$pfile || exit
Please type 'shutdown' to exit MINIX 3 and enter the boot monitor.
At the boot monitor prompt, you can type 'boot $primary' to try the
newly installed MINIX system.
See Part IV: Testing in the usage manual.