i = regions[r].tableno;
- if(is_sure(0, "Are you sure you want to delete this region,\n"
- "losing all data it contains?\n"
- "You have selected a region used\n"
- "by %s (%s).\n"
+ if(is_sure(0, "\nAre you sure you want to delete this region,\n"
+ "losing all data it contains? You have selected a region used\n"
+ "by %s (%s).\n\n"
"I won't actually update your disk right away, but still. Sure?",
typ2txt(table[i].sysind), prettysizeprint(table[i].size / 2))) {
table[i].sysind = NO_PART;
newpart->size = reg->free_sec_last - reg->free_sec_start + 1;
changed = 1;
} else newpart = ®->used_part;
- check_ind(newpart);
- newpart->sysind = MINIX_PART;
*pe = newpart;
changed = 1;
dirty = 1;
if(!is_sure(SURE_SERIOUS, "Are you sure you want to continue?"))
return 1;
- m_write('w', NULL);
/* Retrieve partition number in sorted order that we
* have scribbled in.
fprintf(stderr, "Internal error (1).\n");
return 1;
+ check_ind(&table[sort_order[i]]);
+ table[sort_order[i]].sysind = MINIX_PART;
found = i;
fprintf(stderr, "Internal error (2).\n");
return 1;
+ m_write('w', NULL);
+ if(dirty) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Internal error (3).\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
name=strrchr(curdev->name, '/');
if(!name) name = curdev->name;
else name++;