if (heads != alt_heads || sectors != alt_secs) {
- stat_start(1);
- printf("WARNING:");
- stat_end(10);
- stat_start(0);
- printf(
-"The %ux%ux%u geometry obtained from the device driver does not match",
- cylinders, heads, sectors);
- stat_end(10);
- stat_start(0);
- printf(
-"the %ux%ux%u geometry implied by the partition table. Hit 'X' to switch",
- alt_cyls, alt_heads, alt_secs);
- stat_end(10);
- stat_start(0);
- printf(
-"between the two geometries to see what is best. Note that the geometry");
- stat_end(10);
- stat_start(0);
- printf(
-"must be correct when the table is written or the system may not boot!");
- stat_end(10);
+"The %ux%ux%u geometry obtained from the driver\n"
+"does not match the %ux%ux%u geometry implied by the partition\n"
+"table. Please use expert mode instead.\n");
} else {
/* Clear any subpartitioning. */
- static char sub[2048];
+ static unsigned char sub[2048];
+ sub[510] = 0x55;
+ sub[511] = 0xAA;
write(fd, sub, sizeof(sub));