FILES1=fstab group hostname.file inet.conf motd.install mtab passwd profile \
protocols rc services termcap ttytab utmp binary_sizes \
binary_sizes.big binary_sizes.xxl syslog.conf rc.daemons.dist \
- rs.inet rs.single make.conf pkgsrc.conf system.conf
+ rs.inet rs.single make.conf system.conf
FILES3=daily dhcptags.conf rc
+++ /dev/null
-.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK # begin pkgsrc settings
-CC= gcc
-PKG_DBDIR= /usr/var/db/pkg
-LOCALBASE= /usr/pkg
-VARBASE= /usr/var
-.if exists(/usr/sbin/pkg_add)
-PKG_TOOLS_BIN= /usr/sbin
-PKG_TOOLS_BIN= /usr/pkg/sbin
-FETCH_USING?= fetch
-# This is where binary packages are stored.
-# PACKAGES?= /usr/tmp/packages
-# This is where packages will be extracted and compiled
-WRKOBJDIR?= /usr/tmp/work
-# This hack is required because, pkgsrc insists on having a working dlopen
-# even for packages that build and work okay when we don't have one (perl,
-# libtool, etc). This will cause packages that really require dlopen to fail
-# during the build/configure stage. But considering the number of packages
-# that work, this is okay
-IS_BUILTIN.dl?= yes
-PKG_OPTIONS.groff=-x11 -groff-docs
-PKG_OPTIONS.scmgit=-python -scmgit-gui
-# no inet6
-# allow all licenses for external packages
-# where will pkgsrc place startup scripts?
-# no g- prefix for binutils
-# where to keep binary packages
-# minix3 local source archives and source archive backup
-.endif # end pkgsrc settings