]> Zhao Yanbai Git Server - minix.git/commitdiff
Re-write sprofalyze in C for better performance, more options and to fix problems...
authorErik van der Kouwe <erik@minix3.org>
Sat, 4 Aug 2012 11:16:54 +0000 (11:16 +0000)
committerErik van der Kouwe <erik@minix3.org>
Tue, 7 Aug 2012 13:09:02 +0000 (13:09 +0000)
commands/profile/sprofalyze.pl [deleted file]
commands/sprofalyze/Makefile [new file with mode: 0644]
commands/sprofalyze/sprofalyze.c [new file with mode: 0755]

index 6092e6a7f963d39f94592b731f531e01fe5792e9..722f5244be26ecf29e59218d7c7cc422800b8f8f 100644 (file)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SUBDIR=       add_route arp ash at \
        ramdisk rarpd rawspeed rcp rdate readall readclock \
        reboot remsync rev rget rlogin \
        rotate rsh rshd service setup shar acksize \
-       sleep slip sort spell split srccrc \
+       sleep slip sort spell split sprofalyze srccrc \
        stty sum svclog svrctl swifi sync synctree sysenv \
        syslogd tail tar tcpd tcpdp tcpstat tee telnet \
        telnetd term termcap tget time touch tr \
index 2d6dc1df3d73b2acf9f5f9acb204dccd2016eb2a..9a50dcb00a09e2679424423c7566bc9fedc3cc2a 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Makefile for profile and profalyze.pl
+# Makefile for profile and cprofalyze.pl
 PROG=          profile
-SCRIPTS=       sprofalyze.pl cprofalyze.pl
+SCRIPTS=       cprofalyze.pl
 .include <bsd.prog.mk>
diff --git a/commands/profile/sprofalyze.pl b/commands/profile/sprofalyze.pl
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index d4d9501..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-# sprofalyze.pl
-# Analyzes the output files created by the profile command for
-# Statistical Profiling.
-# Changes:
-#   14 Aug, 2006  Created (Rogier Meurs)
-# Configuration options:
-# Location and parameters of nm program to extract symbol tables
-$nm = "/usr/pkg/bin/nm --radix=d -n";
-# Location of src (including trailing /)
-       $src_root = qw(
-       );
-# Location of system executables within src. Add new servers/drivers here.
-# This should be replaced with something less maintenance-prone some day.
-       @exes = qw(
-       );
-# 8< ----------- no user configurable parameters below this line ----------- >8
-if ($#ARGV < 0 || process_args(@ARGV)) {
-  print "Usage:\n";
-  print "  sprofalyze.pl [-p percentage] file ...\n\n";
-  print "    percentage  print only processes/functions >= percentage\n";
-  exit 1;
-sub process_args {
-  $_ = shift;
-  if (/^-p$/) {
-       $_ = shift;
-       return 1 unless /^(\d{1,2})(.\d+)?$/;
-       $MINIMUM_PERC = $1 + $2;
-  } else {
-       unshift @_, $_;
-  }
-  @files = @_;
-  return 1 unless @files > 0;
-  return 0;
-if (read_symbols()) { exit 1; }
-print "Showing processes and functions using at least $MINIMUM_PERC% time.\n";
-foreach $file (@files) {
-  if (process_datafile($file)) { exit 1; }
-exit 0;
-sub short_name
-  my $shortname = shift;
-  $shortname =~ s/^.*\///;
-  return substr($shortname, 0, 7);
-sub read_symbols
-  print "Building indexes from symbol tables:";
-  for ($i=0; $i<= $#exes; $i++) {
-       my $exe = @exes[$i];
-       $shortname = $exe;
-       $shortname =~ s/^.*\///;
-       print " " if $i <= $#exes;
-       print $shortname;
-       $shortname = short_name($exe);
-       $fullname = $src_root . $exe;
-       if ((! -x $fullname) || (! -r $fullname)) {
-               print "\nWARNING: $fullname does not exist or not readable.\n";
-               print "Did you do a make?\n";
-               next;
-       }
-       # Create a hash entry for each symbol table (text) entry.
-       foreach $_ (`$nm $fullname`) {
-               if (/^0{0,7}(\d{0,10})\s[tT]\s(\w{1,32})\n$/) {
-                       ${$shortname."_hash"}{$1} = $2;
-               }
-       }
-       # Create hash entries for every possible pc value. This will pay off.
-       @lines = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$shortname."_hash"};
-       for ($y = 0; $y <= $#lines; $y++) {
-               for ($z = @lines->[$y] + 1; $z < @lines->[$y + 1]; $z++) {
-                       ${$shortname."_hash"}{$z} =
-                               ${$shortname."_hash"}{@lines->[$y]}
-               }
-       }
-  }
-  # Clock and system are in kernel image but are seperate processes.
-  push(@exes, "clock");
-  push(@exes, "system");
-  %clock_hash = %kernel_hash;
-  %system_hash = %kernel_hash;
-  print ".\n\n";
-  return 0;
-sub process_datafile
-  my %res = ();
-  my %merged = ();
-  my $file = shift;
-  my $buf, $pc, $exe, $total_system_perc;
-  unless (open(FILE, $file)) {
-       print "\nERROR: Unable to open $file: $!\n";
-       return 0;
-  }
-  # First line: check file type.
-  $_ = <FILE>; chomp;
-  if (!/^stat$/) {
-       if (/^call$/) {
-               print "Call Profiling output file: ";
-               print "Use cprofalyze.pl instead.\n";
-       } else {
-               print "Not a profiling output file.\n";
-       }
-       return 0;
-  }      
-  $file =~ s/^.*\///;
-  printf "\n========================================";
-  printf "========================================\n";
-  printf("Data file: %s\n", $file);
-  printf "========================================";
-  printf "========================================\n\n";
-  # Read header with total, idle, system and user hits.
-  $_ = <FILE>;
-  chomp;
-  ($total_hits, $idle_hits, $system_hits, $user_hits) = split (/ /);
-  my $system_perc      = sprintf("%3.f", $system_hits / $total_hits * 100);
-  my $user_perc                = sprintf("%3.f", $user_hits / $total_hits * 100);
-  my $idle_perc                = 100 - $system_perc - $user_perc;
-  printf("  System process ticks: %10d (%3d%%)\n", $system_hits, $system_perc);
-  printf("    User process ticks: %10d (%3d%%)", $user_hits, $user_perc);
-  printf("          Details of system process\n");
-  printf("       Idle time ticks: %10d (%3d%%)", $idle_hits, $idle_perc);
-  printf("          samples, aggregated and\n");
-  printf("                        ----------  ----");
-  printf("           per process, are below.\n");
-  printf("           Total ticks: %10d (100%)\n\n", $total_hits);
-  # Read sample records from file and increase relevant counters.
-  until (eof(FILE)) {
-       read(FILE, $buf, $SAMPLE_SIZE) == $SAMPLE_SIZE  or die ("Short read.");
-       ($exe, $pc) = unpack("Z8i", $buf);
-       # The kernel mangles process names for debugging purposes.
-       # We compensate for that here.
-       $exe =~ s/\*F$//;
-       # We can access the hash by pc because they are all in there.
-               if (!defined(${$exe."_hash"}{$pc})) {
-               print "ERROR: Undefined in symbol table indexes: ";
-               print "executable $exe  address $pc\n";
-               print "Did you include this executable in the configuration?\n";
-               return 1;
-       }
-       $res{$exe}{${$exe."_hash"}{$pc}} ++;
-  }
-  # We only need to continue with executables that had any hits.
-  my @actives = ();
-  foreach my $exe (@exes) {
-       $exe = short_name($exe);
-       next if (!exists($res{$exe}));
-       push(@actives, $exe);
-  }
-  # Calculate number of samples for each executable and create aggregated hash.
-  %exe_hits = ();
-  foreach $exe (@actives) {
-       foreach my $hits (values %{$res{$exe}}) {
-               $exe_hits{$exe} += $hits;
-       }
-       foreach my $key (keys %{$res{$exe}}) {
-               $merged{sprintf("%8s %32s", $exe, $key)} = $res{$exe}{$key};
-       }
-  }
-  $total_system_perc = 0;
-  # Print the aggregated results.
-  process_hash("", \%merged);
-  # Print results for each executable in decreasing order.
-  foreach my $exe
-  (reverse sort { $exe_hits{$a} <=> $exe_hits{$b} } keys %exe_hits)
-  {
-       process_hash($exe, \%{$res{$exe}}) if
-               $exe_hits{$exe} >= $system_hits / 100 * $MINIMUM_PERC;
-  }
-  # Print total of processes <threshold.
-  printf "----------------------------------------";
-  printf "----------------------------------------\n";
-  printf("%-47s %5.1f%% of system process samples\n", 
-       "processes <$MINIMUM_PERC% (not showing functions)",
-       100 - $total_system_perc);
-  printf "----------------------------------------";
-  printf "----------------------------------------\n";
-  printf("%-47s 100.0%%\n\n", "total");
-  close(FILE);
-  return 0;
-sub process_hash
-  my $exe = shift;
-  my $ref = shift;
-  %hash = %{$ref};
-  my $aggr = $exe eq "";
-  # Print a header.
-  printf "----------------------------------------";
-  printf "----------------------------------------\n";
-  if ($aggr) {
-       $astr_max = 31;
-       $perc_hits = $system_hits / 100;
-       printf("Total system process time %46d samples\n", $system_hits);
-  } else {
-       $astr_max = 40;
-       $perc_hits = $exe_hits{$exe} / 100;
-       $total_system_perc += $exe_perc =
-               sprintf("%5.1f", $exe_hits{$exe} / $system_hits * 100);
-       printf("%-47s %5.1f%% of system process samples\n", $exe, $exe_perc);
-  }
-  printf "----------------------------------------";
-  printf "----------------------------------------\n";
-  # Delete functions <threshold.  Get percentage for all functions >threshold.
-  my $below_thres_hits;
-  my $total_exe_perc;
-  foreach my $func (keys %hash)
-  {
-       if ($hash{$func} < $perc_hits * $MINIMUM_PERC) {
-               $below_thres_hits += $hash{$func};
-               delete($hash{$func});
-       } else {
-               $total_exe_perc += sprintf("%3.1f", $hash{$func} / $perc_hits);
-       }
-  }
-  # Now print the hash entries in decreasing order.
-  @sorted = reverse sort { $hash{$a} <=> $hash{$b} } keys %hash;
-  $astr_hits = ($hash{@sorted->[0]} > $below_thres_hits ?
-       $hash{@sorted->[0]} : $below_thres_hits) / $astr_max;
-  foreach $func (@sorted) {
-       process_line($func, $hash{$func});
-  }
-  # Print <threshold hits.
-  my $below_thres;
-  if ($aggr) { $below_thres = "         "; }
-  $below_thres .= sprintf("%8s", "<" . $MINIMUM_PERC . "%");
-  process_line($below_thres, $below_thres_hits, 100 - $total_exe_perc);
-  # Print footer.
-  printf "----------------------------------------";
-  printf "----------------------------------------\n";
-  printf("%-73s 100.0%%\n\n", $aggr ? "total" : $exe);
-sub process_line
-  my $func = shift;
-  my $hits = shift;
-  my $perc = $hits / $perc_hits;
-  my $astr = $hits / $astr_hits;
-  if ($aggr) {
-       print "$func ";
-  } else {
-       printf("%32s ", $func);
-  }
-  for ($i = 0; $i < $astr_max; $i++) {
-       if ($i <= $astr) {
-               print "*";
-       } else {
-               print " ";
-       }
-  }
-  print " ";
-  if (my $rest = shift) {
-       printf("%5.1f%%\n", $rest);
-  } else {
-       printf("%5.1f%%\n", $perc);
-  }
diff --git a/commands/sprofalyze/Makefile b/commands/sprofalyze/Makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3e92d1a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Makefile for sprofalyze
+PROG=  sprofalyze
+SRCS=  sprofalyze.c
+.include <bsd.prog.mk>
diff --git a/commands/sprofalyze/sprofalyze.c b/commands/sprofalyze/sprofalyze.c
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ad3125c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* user-configurable settings */
+#define DEBUG 0
+#define NM "/usr/pkg/bin/nm"
+static const char *default_binaries[] = {
+       "kernel/kernel",
+       "servers/",
+       "drivers/",
+static const char *src_path = "/usr/src";
+/* types */
+#define LINE_WIDTH 80
+#define SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE 52
+#define SYMBOL_SIZE_MAX 0x100000
+#define PC_MAP_L1_SIZE 0x10000
+#define PC_MAP_L2_SIZE 0x10000
+struct binary_info;
+struct symbol_count {
+       struct symbol_count *next;
+       struct binary_info *binary;
+       uint32_t addr;
+       int samples;
+       char name[SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE];
+struct pc_map_l2 {
+       struct symbol_count *l2[PC_MAP_L2_SIZE];
+struct pc_map_l1 {
+       struct pc_map_l2 *l1[PC_MAP_L1_SIZE];
+struct binary_info {
+       char name[BINARY_NAME_SIZE];
+       const char *path;
+       int samples;
+       struct symbol_count *symbols;
+       struct pc_map_l1 *pc_map;
+       struct binary_info *next;
+       struct binary_info *hashtab_next;
+       char no_more_warnings;
+struct trace_sample {
+       char name[BINARY_NAME_SIZE];
+       uint32_t pc;
+/* global variables */
+static struct binary_info *binaries;
+static struct binary_info *binary_hashtab[BINARY_HASHTAB_SIZE];
+static double minimum_perc = 1.0;
+static int samples_idle, samples_system, samples_total, samples_user;
+/* prototypes */
+static struct binary_info *binary_add(const char *path);
+static struct binary_info *binary_find(const char *name);
+static struct binary_info *binary_hashtab_get(const char *name);
+static struct binary_info **binary_hashtab_get_ptr(const char *name);
+static void binary_load_pc_map(struct binary_info *binary_info);
+static const char *binary_name(const char *path);
+static int compare_binaries(const void *p1, const void *p2);
+static int compare_symbols(const void *p1, const void *p2);
+static int count_symbols(const struct binary_info *binary, int threshold);
+static void load_trace(const char *path);
+static void *malloc_checked(size_t size);
+static unsigned name_hash(const char *name);
+static float percent(int value, int percent_of);
+static void print_report(void);
+static void print_report_overall(void);
+static void print_report_per_binary(const struct binary_info *binary);
+static void print_reports_per_binary(void);
+static void print_report_symbols(struct symbol_count **symbols,
+       unsigned symbol_count, int total, int show_binary);
+static void print_separator(void);
+static int read_hex(FILE *file, unsigned long *value);
+static int read_newline(FILE *file);
+static void read_nm_line(FILE *file, int line, char *name, char *type,
+       unsigned long *addr, unsigned long *size);
+static void read_to_whitespace(FILE *file, char *buffer, size_t size);
+static void sample_store(const struct trace_sample *sample);
+static char *strdup_checked(const char *s);
+static void usage(const char *argv0);
+#define MALLOC_CHECKED(type, count) \
+       ((type *) malloc_checked(sizeof(type) * (count)))
+#define LENGTHOF(array) (sizeof((array)) / sizeof((array)[0]))
+#if DEBUG
+#define dprintf(...) do {                                              \
+       fprintf(stderr, "debug(%s:%d): ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);      \
+       fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                   \
+} while(0)
+#define dprintf(...)
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+       int opt;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       /* disable buffering so the output mixes correctly */
+       setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+       setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+       /* parse arguments */
+       while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:p:s:")) != -1) {
+               switch (opt) {
+               case 'b':
+                       /* additional binary specified */
+                       binary_add(optarg);
+                       break;
+               case 'p':
+                       /* minimum percentage specified */
+                       minimum_perc = atof(optarg);
+                       if (minimum_perc < 0 || minimum_perc > 100) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "error: cut-off percentage "
+                                       "makes no sense: %g\n", minimum_perc);
+                               exit(1);
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case 's':
+                       /* source tree directory specified */
+                       src_path = optarg;
+                       break;
+               default: usage(argv[0]);
+               }
+       }
+       /* load samples */
+       if (optind >= argc) usage(argv[0]);
+       for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
+               load_trace(argv[optind]);
+       }
+       /* print report */
+       print_report();
+       return 0;
+static struct binary_info *binary_add(const char *path) {
+       struct binary_info *binary, **ptr;
+       const char *name;
+       /* assumption: path won't be overwritten or deallocated in the future */
+       /* not too much effort escaping for popen, prevent problems here */
+       assert(path);
+       if (strchr(path, '"')) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: path \"%s\" contains a quote\n", path);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       /* get filename */
+       name = binary_name(path);
+       dprintf("adding binary \"%s\" with name \"%.*s\"\n",
+               path, BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name);
+       if (strlen(name) == 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: path \"%s\" does not "
+                       "contain a filename\n", path);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       /* check in hashtable whether this entry is indeed new */
+       ptr = binary_hashtab_get_ptr(name);
+       if (*ptr) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: ignoring \"%s\" because \"%s\" was "
+                       "previously specified\n", path, (*ptr)->path);
+               return *ptr;
+       }
+       dprintf("using %.*s from \"%s\"\n", BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name, path);
+       /* allocate new binary_info */
+       binary = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct binary_info, 1);
+       memset(binary, 0, sizeof(struct binary_info));
+       binary->path = path;
+       strncpy(binary->name, name, sizeof(binary->name));
+       /* insert into linked list */
+       binary->next = binaries;
+       binaries = binary;
+       /* insert into hashtable */
+       *ptr = binary;
+       return binary;
+static struct binary_info *binary_find(const char *name) {
+       struct binary_info *binary;
+       const char *current_name;
+       unsigned i;
+       char path[PATH_MAX + 1], *path_end;
+       assert(name);
+       /* name is required */
+       if (!*name) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: binary unspecified in sample\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       /* do we already know this binary? */
+       binary = binary_hashtab_get(name);
+       if (binary) return binary;
+       /* search for it */
+       dprintf("searching for binary \"%.*s\" in \"%s\"\n",
+               BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name, src_path);
+       for (i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(default_binaries); i++) {
+               snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", src_path,
+                       default_binaries[i]);
+               current_name = binary_name(path);
+               assert(current_name);
+               if (*current_name) {
+                       /* paths not ending in slash: use if name matches */
+                       if (strncmp(name, current_name,
+                               BINARY_NAME_SIZE) != 0) {
+                               continue;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       /* paths ending in slash: look in subdir named after
+                        * binary
+                        */
+                       path_end = path + strlen(path);
+                       snprintf(path_end, sizeof(path) - (path_end - path),
+                               "%.*s/%.*s", BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name,
+                               BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name);
+               }
+               /* use access to find out whether the binary exists and is
+                * readable
+                */
+               dprintf("checking whether \"%s\" exists\n", path);
+               if (access(path, R_OK) < 0) continue;
+               /* ok, this seems to be the one */
+               return binary_add(strdup_checked(path));
+       }
+       /* not found */
+       return NULL;
+static struct binary_info *binary_hashtab_get(const char *name) {
+       return *binary_hashtab_get_ptr(name);
+static struct binary_info **binary_hashtab_get_ptr(const char *name) {
+       struct binary_info *binary, **ptr;
+       /* get pointer to location of the binary in hash table */
+       ptr = &binary_hashtab[name_hash(name) % BINARY_HASHTAB_SIZE];
+       while ((binary = *ptr) && strncmp(binary->name, name,
+               BINARY_NAME_SIZE) != 0) {
+               ptr = &binary->hashtab_next;
+       }
+       dprintf("looked up \"%.*s\" in hash table, %sfound\n",
+               BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name, *ptr ? "" : "not ");
+       return ptr;
+static void binary_load_pc_map(struct binary_info *binary_info) {
+       unsigned long addr, size;
+       char *command;
+       size_t command_len;
+#if DEBUG
+       unsigned count = 0;
+       FILE *file;
+       int index_l1, index_l2, line;
+       char name[SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE];
+       struct pc_map_l2 *pc_map_l2, **pc_map_l2_ptr;
+       struct symbol_count *symbol, **symbol_ptr;
+       char type;
+       assert(binary_info);
+       assert(!strchr(NM, '"'));
+       assert(!strchr(binary_info->path, '"'));
+       /* does the file exist? */
+       if (access(binary_info->path, R_OK) < 0) {
+               if (!binary_info->no_more_warnings) {
+                       fprintf(stderr, "warning: \"%s\" does not exist or "
+                               "not readable.\n", binary_info->path);
+                       fprintf(stderr, "         Did you do a make?\n");
+                       binary_info->no_more_warnings = 1;
+               }
+               return;
+       }
+       /* execute nm to get symbols */
+       command_len = strlen(NM) + strlen(binary_info->path) + 32;
+       command = MALLOC_CHECKED(char, command_len);
+       snprintf(command, command_len, "\"%s\" -nP \"%s\"",
+               NM, binary_info->path);
+       dprintf("running command for extracting addresses: %s\n", command);
+       file = popen(command, "r");
+       if (!file) {
+               perror("failed to start " NM);
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       /* read symbols from nm output */
+       assert(!binary_info->symbols);
+       symbol_ptr = &binary_info->symbols;
+       line = 1;
+       while (!feof(file)) {
+               /* read nm output line; can't use fscanf as it doesn't know
+                * where to stop
+                */
+               read_nm_line(file, line++, name, &type, &addr, &size);
+               /* store only text symbols */
+               if (type != 't' && type != 'T') continue;
+               *symbol_ptr = symbol = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct symbol_count, 1);
+               memset(symbol, 0, sizeof(*symbol));
+               symbol->binary = binary_info;
+               symbol->addr = addr;
+               strncpy(symbol->name, name, SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE);
+               symbol_ptr = &symbol->next;
+#if DEBUG
+               count++;
+       }
+       fclose(file);
+       dprintf("extracted %u symbols\n", count);
+       /* create program counter map from symbols */
+       assert(!binary_info->pc_map);
+       binary_info->pc_map = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct pc_map_l1, 1);
+       memset(binary_info->pc_map, 0, sizeof(struct pc_map_l1));
+       for (symbol = binary_info->symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+               /* compute size if not specified */
+               size = symbol->next ? (symbol->next->addr - symbol->addr) : 1;
+               if (size > SYMBOL_SIZE_MAX) size = SYMBOL_SIZE_MAX;
+               /* mark each address */
+               for (addr = symbol->addr; addr - symbol->addr < size; addr++) {
+                       index_l1 = addr / PC_MAP_L2_SIZE;
+                       assert(index_l1 < PC_MAP_L1_SIZE);
+                       pc_map_l2_ptr = &binary_info->pc_map->l1[index_l1];
+                       if (!(pc_map_l2 = *pc_map_l2_ptr)) {
+                               *pc_map_l2_ptr = pc_map_l2 =
+                                       MALLOC_CHECKED(struct pc_map_l2, 1);
+                               memset(pc_map_l2, 0, sizeof(struct pc_map_l2));
+                       }
+                       index_l2 = addr % PC_MAP_L2_SIZE;
+                       pc_map_l2->l2[index_l2] = symbol;
+               }
+       }
+static const char *binary_name(const char *path) {
+       const char *name, *p;
+       /* much like basename, but guarantees to not modify the path */
+       name = path;
+       for (p = path; *p; p++) {
+               if (*p == '/') name = p + 1;
+       }
+       return name;
+static int compare_binaries(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
+       const struct binary_info *const *b1 = p1, *const *b2 = p2;
+       /* binaries with more samples come first */
+       assert(b1);
+       assert(b2);
+       assert(*b1);
+       assert(*b2);
+       if ((*b1)->samples > (*b2)->samples) return -1;
+       if ((*b1)->samples < (*b2)->samples) return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int compare_symbols(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
+       const struct symbol_count *const *s1 = p1, *const *s2 = p2;
+       /* symbols with more samples come first */
+       assert(s1);
+       assert(s2);
+       assert(*s1);
+       assert(*s2);
+       if ((*s1)->samples > (*s2)->samples) return -1;
+       if ((*s1)->samples < (*s2)->samples) return 1;
+       return 0;
+static int count_symbols(const struct binary_info *binary, int threshold) {
+       struct symbol_count *symbol;
+       int result = 0;
+       for (symbol = binary->symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+               if (symbol->samples >= threshold) result++;
+       }
+       return result;
+static void load_trace(const char *path) {
+       FILE *file;
+       int s_idle, s_system, s_total, s_user;
+       int samples_read;
+       struct trace_sample sample;
+       /* open trace file */
+       file = fopen(path, "rb");
+       if (!file) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot open trace file \"%s\": %s\n",
+                       path, strerror(errno));
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       /* check file format and update totals */
+       if (fscanf(file, "stat\n%d %d %d %d\n",
+               &s_total, &s_idle, &s_system, &s_user) != 4) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: file \"%s\" does not contain an "
+                       "sprofile trace\n", path);
+               exit(1);
+       }
+       samples_total += s_total;
+       samples_idle += s_idle;
+       samples_system += s_system;
+       samples_user += s_user;
+       /* read and store samples */
+       samples_read = 0;
+       while (fread(&sample, sizeof(sample), 1, file) == 1) {
+               sample_store(&sample);
+               samples_read++;
+       }
+       if (samples_read != s_system) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: number of system samples (%d) in "
+                       "\"%s\" does not match number of records (%d)\n",
+                       s_system, path, samples_read);
+       }
+       if (!feof(file)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: partial sample at end of \"%s\", "
+                       "was the trace file truncated?\n", path);
+       }
+       fclose(file);
+static void *malloc_checked(size_t size) {
+       void *p;
+       if (!size) return NULL;
+       p = malloc(size);
+       if (!p) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc cannot allocate %lu bytes: %s\n",
+                       (unsigned long) size, strerror(errno));
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       return p;
+static unsigned name_hash(const char *name) {
+       int i;
+       unsigned r = 0;
+       /* remember: strncpy initializes all bytes */
+       for (i = 0; i < BINARY_NAME_SIZE && name[i]; i++) {
+               r = r * 31 + name[i];
+       }
+       dprintf("name_hash(\"%.*s) = 0x%.8x\n", BINARY_NAME_SIZE, name, r);
+       return r;
+static float percent(int value, int percent_of) {
+       assert(value >= 0);
+       assert(value <= percent_of);
+       return (percent_of > 0) ? (value * 100.0 / percent_of) : 0;
+static void print_report(void) {
+       printf("Showing processes and functions using at least %3.0f%% "
+               "time.\n\n", minimum_perc);
+       printf("  System process ticks: %10d (%3.0f%%)\n",
+               samples_system, percent(samples_system, samples_total));
+       printf("    User process ticks: %10d (%3.0f%%)          "
+               "Details of system process\n",
+               samples_user, percent(samples_user, samples_total));
+       printf("       Idle time ticks: %10d (%3.0f%%)          "
+               "samples, aggregated and\n",
+               samples_idle, percent(samples_idle, samples_total));
+       printf("                        ----------  ----           "
+               "per process, are below.\n");
+       printf("           Total ticks: %10d (100%%)\n\n", samples_total);
+       print_report_overall();
+       print_reports_per_binary();
+static void print_report_overall(void) {
+       struct binary_info *binary;
+       struct symbol_count *symbol, **symbols_sorted;
+       unsigned index, symbol_count;
+       int sample_threshold;
+       /* count number of symbols to display */
+       sample_threshold = samples_system * minimum_perc / 100;
+       symbol_count = 0;
+       for (binary = binaries; binary; binary = binary->next) {
+               symbol_count += count_symbols(binary, sample_threshold);
+       }
+       /* sort symbols by decreasing number of samples */
+       symbols_sorted = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct symbol_count *, symbol_count);
+       index = 0;
+       for (binary = binaries; binary; binary = binary->next) {
+               for (symbol = binary->symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+                       if (symbol->samples >= sample_threshold) {
+                               symbols_sorted[index++] = symbol;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       assert(index == symbol_count);
+       qsort(symbols_sorted, symbol_count, sizeof(symbols_sorted[0]),
+               compare_symbols);
+       /* report most common symbols overall */
+       print_separator();
+       printf("Total system process time %*d samples\n",
+               LINE_WIDTH - 34, samples_system);
+       print_separator();
+       print_report_symbols(symbols_sorted, symbol_count, samples_system, 1);
+       free(symbols_sorted);
+static void print_report_per_binary(const struct binary_info *binary) {
+       struct symbol_count *symbol, **symbols_sorted;
+       unsigned index, symbol_count;
+       int sample_threshold;
+       /* count number of symbols to display */
+       sample_threshold = binary->samples * minimum_perc / 100;
+       symbol_count = count_symbols(binary, sample_threshold);
+       /* sort symbols by decreasing number of samples */
+       symbols_sorted = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct symbol_count *, symbol_count);
+       index = 0;
+       for (symbol = binary->symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+               if (symbol->samples >= sample_threshold) {
+                       symbols_sorted[index++] = symbol;
+               }
+       }
+       assert(index == symbol_count);
+       qsort(symbols_sorted, symbol_count, sizeof(symbols_sorted[0]),
+               compare_symbols);
+       /* report most common symbols for this binary */
+       print_separator();
+       printf("%-*.*s %4.1f%% of system process samples\n",
+               LINE_WIDTH - 32, BINARY_NAME_SIZE, binary->name,
+               percent(binary->samples, samples_system));
+       print_separator();
+       print_report_symbols(symbols_sorted, symbol_count, binary->samples, 0);
+       free(symbols_sorted);
+static void print_reports_per_binary(void) {
+       struct binary_info *binary, **binaries_sorted;
+       unsigned binary_count, i, index;
+       int sample_threshold, samples_shown;
+       struct symbol_count *symbol;
+       /* count total per-binary samples */
+       binary_count = 0;
+       for (binary = binaries; binary; binary = binary->next) {
+               assert(!binary->samples);
+               for (symbol = binary->symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
+                       binary->samples += symbol->samples;
+               }
+               binary_count++;
+       }
+       /* sort binaries by decreasing number of samples */
+       binaries_sorted = MALLOC_CHECKED(struct binary_info *, binary_count);
+       index = 0;
+       for (binary = binaries; binary; binary = binary->next) {
+               binaries_sorted[index++] = binary;
+       }
+       assert(index == binary_count);
+       qsort(binaries_sorted, binary_count, sizeof(binaries_sorted[0]),
+               compare_binaries);
+       /* display reports for binaries with enough samples */
+       sample_threshold = samples_system * minimum_perc / 100;
+       samples_shown = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < binary_count; i++) {
+               if (binaries_sorted[i]->samples < sample_threshold) break;
+               print_report_per_binary(binaries_sorted[i]);
+               samples_shown += binaries_sorted[i]->samples;
+       }
+       print_separator();
+       printf("processes <%3.0f%% (not showing functions) %*.1f%% of system "
+               "process samples\n", minimum_perc, LINE_WIDTH - 60,
+               percent(samples_system - samples_shown, samples_system));
+       print_separator();
+       free(binaries_sorted);
+static void print_report_symbols(struct symbol_count **symbols,
+       unsigned symbol_count, int total, int show_process) {
+       unsigned bar_dots, bar_width, i, j, process_width;
+       int samples, samples_shown;
+       struct symbol_count *symbol;
+       /* find out how much space we have available */
+       process_width = show_process ? (BINARY_NAME_SIZE + 1) : 0;
+       bar_width = LINE_WIDTH - process_width - SYMBOL_NAME_WIDTH - 17;
+       /* print the symbol lines */
+       samples_shown = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i <= symbol_count; i++) {
+               if (i < symbol_count) {
+                       /* first list the symbols themselves */
+                       symbol = symbols[i];
+                       printf("%*.*s %*.*s ",
+                               process_width,
+                               show_process ? BINARY_NAME_SIZE : 0,
+                               symbol->binary->name,
+                               SYMBOL_NAME_WIDTH,
+                               SYMBOL_NAME_WIDTH,
+                               symbol->name);
+                       samples = symbol->samples;
+               } else {
+                       /* at the end, list the remainder */
+                       printf("%*s<%3.0f%% ",
+                               process_width + SYMBOL_NAME_WIDTH - 4,
+                               "",
+                               minimum_perc);
+                       samples = total - samples_shown;
+               }
+               assert(samples >= 0);
+               assert(samples <= total);
+               bar_dots = (total > 0) ? (samples * bar_width / total) : 0;
+               for (j = 0; j < bar_dots; j++) printf("*");
+               for (; j < bar_width; j++) printf(" ");
+               printf("%8d %5.1f%%\n", samples, percent(samples, total));
+               samples_shown += samples;
+       }
+       /* print remainder and summary */
+       print_separator();
+       printf("%-*.*s%*d 100.0%%\n\n", BINARY_NAME_SIZE, BINARY_NAME_SIZE,
+               (show_process || symbol_count == 0) ?
+               "total" : symbols[0]->binary->name,
+               LINE_WIDTH - BINARY_NAME_SIZE - 7, total);
+static void print_separator(void) {
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < LINE_WIDTH; i++) printf("-");
+       printf("\n");
+static int read_hex(FILE *file, unsigned long *value) {
+       int c, cvalue;
+       unsigned index;
+       assert(file);
+       assert(value);
+       index = 0;
+       c = fgetc(file);
+       *value = 0;
+       while (index < 8) {
+               if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+                       cvalue = c - '0';
+               } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
+                       cvalue = c - 'A' + 10;
+               } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
+                       cvalue = c - 'a' + 10;
+               } else {
+                       break;
+               }
+               *value = *value * 16 + cvalue;
+               index++;
+               c = fgetc(file);
+       }
+       if (c != EOF) ungetc(c, file);
+       return index;
+static int read_newline(FILE *file) {
+       int c;
+       do {
+               c = fgetc(file);
+       } while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && isspace(c));
+       if (c == EOF || c == '\n') return 1;
+       ungetc(c, file);
+       return 0;
+static void read_nm_line(FILE *file, int line, char *name, char *type,
+       unsigned long *addr, unsigned long *size) {
+       assert(file);
+       assert(name);
+       assert(type);
+       assert(addr);
+       assert(size);
+       *type = 0;
+       *addr = 0;
+       *size = 0;
+       if (read_newline(file)) {
+               memset(name, 0, SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* name and type are compulsory */
+       read_to_whitespace(file, name, SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE);
+       if (read_newline(file)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: bad output format from nm: "
+                       "symbol type missing on line %d\n", line);
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       *type = fgetc(file);
+       /* address is optional */
+       if (read_newline(file)) return;
+       if (!read_hex(file, addr)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: bad output format from nm: junk where "
+                       "address should be on line %d\n", line);
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       /* size is optional */
+       if (read_newline(file)) return;
+       if (!read_hex(file, size)) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: bad output format from nm: junk where "
+                       "size should be on line %d\n", line);
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       /* nothing else expected */
+       if (read_newline(file)) return;
+       fprintf(stderr, "error: bad output format from nm: junk after size "
+               "on line %d\n", line);
+       exit(-1);
+static void read_to_whitespace(FILE *file, char *buffer, size_t size) {
+       int c;
+       /* read up to and incl first whitespace, store at most size chars */
+       while ((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF && !isspace(c)) {
+               if (size > 0) {
+                       *(buffer++) = c;
+                       size--;
+               }
+       }
+       if (size > 0) *buffer = 0;
+static void sample_store(const struct trace_sample *sample) {
+       struct binary_info *binary;
+       int index_l1;
+       char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
+       struct pc_map_l2 *pc_map_l2;
+       struct symbol_count *symbol;
+       /* locate binary */
+       binary = binary_find(sample->name);
+       if (!binary) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: ignoring unknown binary \"%.*s\"\n",
+                       BINARY_NAME_SIZE, sample->name);
+               fprintf(stderr, "         did you include this executable in "
+                       "the configuration?\n");
+               fprintf(stderr, "         (use -b to add additional "
+                       "binaries)\n");
+               /* prevent additional warnings by adding bogus binary */
+               snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/DOESNOTEXIST/%.*s",
+                       BINARY_NAME_SIZE, sample->name);
+               binary = binary_add(strdup_checked(path));
+               binary->no_more_warnings = 1;
+               return;
+       }
+       /* load symbols if this hasn't been done yet */
+       if (!binary->pc_map) {
+               binary_load_pc_map(binary);
+               if (!binary->pc_map) return;
+       }
+       /* find the applicable symbol (two-level lookup) */
+       index_l1 = sample->pc / PC_MAP_L2_SIZE;
+       assert(index_l1 < PC_MAP_L1_SIZE);
+       pc_map_l2 = binary->pc_map->l1[index_l1];
+       if (pc_map_l2) {
+               symbol = pc_map_l2->l2[sample->pc % PC_MAP_L2_SIZE];
+       } else {
+               symbol = NULL;
+       }
+       if (symbol) {
+               symbol->samples++;
+       } else if (!binary->no_more_warnings) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "warning: address 0x%lx not associated with a "
+                       "symbol\n", (unsigned long) sample->pc);
+               fprintf(stderr, "         binary may not match the profiled "
+                       "version\n");
+               fprintf(stderr, "         path: \"%s\"\n", binary->path);
+               binary->no_more_warnings = 1;
+       }
+static char *strdup_checked(const char *s) {
+       char *p;
+       if (!s) return NULL;
+       p = strdup(s);
+       if (!p) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "error: strdup failed: %s\n",
+                       strerror(errno));
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       return p;
+static void usage(const char *argv0) {
+       printf("usage:\n");
+       printf("  %s [-p percentage] [-s src-tree-path] "
+               "[-b binary]... file...\n", argv0);
+       exit(1);