--- /dev/null
+/* Test for sys_vumap() - by D.C. van Moolenbroek */
+#include <minix/drivers.h>
+#include <minix/ds.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "com.h"
+struct buf {
+ int pages;
+ int flags;
+ vir_bytes addr;
+ phys_bytes phys;
+#define BUF_PREALLOC 0x1 /* if set, immediately allocate the page */
+#define BUF_ADJACENT 0x2 /* virtually contiguous with the last buffer */
+PRIVATE unsigned int count = 0, failures = 0;
+PRIVATE int success;
+PRIVATE char *fail_file;
+PRIVATE int fail_line;
+PRIVATE int relay;
+PRIVATE endpoint_t endpt;
+PRIVATE int verbose;
+PRIVATE enum {
+ GE_NONE, /* no exception */
+ GE_REVOKED, /* revoked grant */
+ GE_INVALID /* invalid grant */
+} grant_exception = GE_NONE;
+PRIVATE int grant_access = 0;
+#define expect(r) expect_f((r), __FILE__, __LINE__)
+PRIVATE void alloc_buf(struct buf *buf, phys_bytes next)
+ void *tmp = NULL;
+ vir_bytes addr;
+ size_t len;
+ int r, prealloc, flags;
+ /* is_allocated() cannot handle buffers that are not physically
+ * contiguous, and we cannot guarantee physical contiguity if not
+ * not preallocating.
+ */
+ assert((buf->flags & BUF_PREALLOC) || buf->pages == 1);
+ len = buf->pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+ prealloc = (buf->flags & BUF_PREALLOC);
+ flags = MAP_ANON | (prealloc ? (MAP_CONTIG | MAP_PREALLOC) : 0);
+ if (prealloc) {
+ /* Allocate a same-sized piece of memory elsewhere, to make it
+ * very unlikely that the actual piece of memory will end up
+ * being physically contiguous with the last piece.
+ */
+ tmp = minix_mmap((void *) (buf->addr + len + PAGE_SIZE), len,
+ MAP_CONTIG, -1, 0L);
+ if (tmp == MAP_FAILED)
+ panic("unable to allocate temporary buffer");
+ }
+ addr = (vir_bytes) minix_mmap((void *) buf->addr, len,
+ PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0L);
+ if (addr != buf->addr)
+ panic("unable to allocate buffer (2)");
+ if (!prealloc)
+ return;
+ if ((r = minix_munmap(tmp, len)) != OK)
+ panic("unable to unmap buffer (%d)", errno);
+ if ((r = sys_umap(SELF, VM_D, addr, len, &buf->phys)) < 0)
+ panic("unable to get physical address of buffer (%d)", r);
+ if (buf->phys != next)
+ return;
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("WARNING: alloc noncontigous range, second try\n");
+ /* Can't remap this to elsewhere, so we run the risk of allocating the
+ * exact same physically contiguous page again. However, now that we've
+ * unmapped the temporary memory also, there's a small chance we'll end
+ * up with a different physical page this time. Who knows.
+ */
+ minix_munmap((void *) addr, len);
+ addr = (vir_bytes) minix_mmap((void *) buf->addr, len,
+ PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0L);
+ if (addr != buf->addr)
+ panic("unable to allocate buffer, second try");
+ if ((r = sys_umap(SELF, VM_D, addr, len, &buf->phys)) < 0)
+ panic("unable to get physical address of buffer (%d)", r);
+ /* Still the same page? Screw it. */
+ if (buf->phys == next)
+ panic("unable to allocate noncontiguous range");
+PRIVATE void alloc_bufs(struct buf *buf, int count)
+ static vir_bytes base = 0x80000000L;
+ phys_bytes next;
+ int i;
+ /* Allocate the given memory in virtually contiguous blocks whenever
+ * each next buffer is requested to be adjacent. Insert a virtual gap
+ * after each such block. Make sure that each two adjacent buffers in a
+ * block are physically non-contiguous.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (i > 0 && (buf[i].flags & BUF_ADJACENT)) {
+ next = buf[i-1].phys + buf[i-1].pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+ } else {
+ base += PAGE_SIZE * 16;
+ next = 0L;
+ }
+ buf[i].addr = base;
+ alloc_buf(&buf[i], next);
+ base += buf[i].pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+#if DEBUG
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ printf("Buf %d: %d pages, flags %x, vir %08x, phys %08x\n", i,
+ buf[i].pages, buf[i].flags, buf[i].addr, buf[i].phys);
+PRIVATE void free_bufs(struct buf *buf, int count)
+ int i, j, r;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < buf[i].pages; j++) {
+ r = minix_munmap((void *) (buf[i].addr + j * PAGE_SIZE),
+ if (r != OK)
+ panic("unable to unmap range (%d)", errno);
+ }
+ }
+PRIVATE int is_allocated(vir_bytes addr, size_t bytes, phys_bytes *phys)
+ int r;
+ /* This will have to do for now. Of course, we could use sys_vumap with
+ * VUA_READ for this, but that would defeat the point of one test. It
+ * is still a decent alternative in case sys_umap's behavior ever
+ * changes, though.
+ */
+ r = sys_umap(SELF, VM_D, addr, bytes, phys);
+ return r == OK;
+PRIVATE int is_buf_allocated(struct buf *buf)
+ return is_allocated(buf->addr, buf->pages * PAGE_SIZE, &buf->phys);
+PRIVATE void test_group(char *name)
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("Test group: %s (%s)\n",
+ name, relay ? "relay" : "local");
+PRIVATE void expect_f(int res, char *file, int line)
+ if (!res && success) {
+ success = FALSE;
+ fail_file = file;
+ fail_line = line;
+ }
+PRIVATE void got_result(char *desc)
+ count++;
+ if (!success) {
+ failures++;
+ printf("#%02d: %-38s\t[FAIL]\n", count, desc);
+ printf("- failure at %s:%d\n", fail_file, fail_line);
+ } else {
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("#%02d: %-38s\t[PASS]\n", count, desc);
+ }
+PRIVATE int relay_vumap(struct vumap_vir *vvec, int vcount, size_t offset,
+ int access, struct vumap_phys *pvec, int *pcount)
+ struct vumap_vir gvvec[MAPVEC_NR + 3];
+ cp_grant_id_t vgrant, pgrant;
+ message m;
+ int i, r, gaccess;
+ assert(vcount > 0 && vcount <= MAPVEC_NR + 3);
+ assert(*pcount > 0 && *pcount <= MAPVEC_NR + 3);
+ /* Allow grant access flags to be overridden for testing purposes. */
+ if (!(gaccess = grant_access)) {
+ if (access & VUA_READ) gaccess |= CPF_READ;
+ if (access & VUA_WRITE) gaccess |= CPF_WRITE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < vcount; i++) {
+ gvvec[i].vv_grant = cpf_grant_direct(endpt, vvec[i].vv_addr,
+ vvec[i].vv_size, gaccess);
+ assert(gvvec[i].vv_grant != GRANT_INVALID);
+ gvvec[i].vv_size = vvec[i].vv_size;
+ }
+ vgrant = cpf_grant_direct(endpt, (vir_bytes) gvvec,
+ sizeof(gvvec[0]) * vcount, CPF_READ);
+ assert(vgrant != GRANT_INVALID);
+ pgrant = cpf_grant_direct(endpt, (vir_bytes) pvec,
+ sizeof(pvec[0]) * *pcount, CPF_WRITE);
+ assert(pgrant != GRANT_INVALID);
+ /* This must be done after allocating all other grants. */
+ if (grant_exception != GE_NONE) {
+ cpf_revoke(gvvec[vcount - 1].vv_grant);
+ if (grant_exception == GE_INVALID)
+ gvvec[vcount - 1].vv_grant = GRANT_INVALID;
+ }
+ m.m_type = VTR_RELAY;
+ m.VTR_VGRANT = vgrant;
+ m.VTR_VCOUNT = vcount;
+ m.VTR_OFFSET = offset;
+ m.VTR_ACCESS = access;
+ m.VTR_PGRANT = pgrant;
+ m.VTR_PCOUNT = *pcount;
+ r = sendrec(endpt, &m);
+ cpf_revoke(pgrant);
+ cpf_revoke(vgrant);
+ for (i = 0; i < vcount - !!grant_exception; i++)
+ cpf_revoke(gvvec[i].vv_grant);
+ *pcount = m.VTR_PCOUNT;
+ return (r != OK) ? r : m.m_type;
+PRIVATE int do_vumap(endpoint_t endpt, struct vumap_vir *vvec, int vcount,
+ size_t offset, int access, struct vumap_phys *pvec, int *pcount)
+ struct vumap_phys pv_backup[MAPVEC_NR + 3];
+ int r, pc_backup, pv_test = FALSE;
+ /* Make a copy of pvec and pcount for later. */
+ pc_backup = *pcount;
+ /* We cannot compare pvec contents before and after when relaying,
+ * since the original contents are not transferred.
+ */
+ if (!relay && pvec != NULL && pc_backup >= 1 &&
+ pc_backup <= MAPVEC_NR + 3) {
+ pv_test = TRUE;
+ memcpy(pv_backup, pvec, sizeof(*pvec) * pc_backup);
+ }
+ /* Reset the test result. */
+ success = TRUE;
+ /* Perform the vumap call, either directly or through a relay. */
+ if (relay) {
+ assert(endpt == SELF);
+ r = relay_vumap(vvec, vcount, offset, access, pvec, pcount);
+ } else {
+ r = sys_vumap(endpt, vvec, vcount, offset, access, pvec,
+ pcount);
+ }
+ /* Upon failure, pvec and pcount must be unchanged. */
+ if (r != OK) {
+ expect(pc_backup == *pcount);
+ if (pv_test)
+ expect(memcmp(pv_backup, pvec,
+ sizeof(*pvec) * pc_backup) == 0);
+ }
+ return r;
+PRIVATE void test_basics(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[2];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[4];
+ struct buf buf[4];
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("basics");
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[1].pages = 2;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[2].pages = 1;
+ buf[2].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[3].pages = 1;
+ buf[3].flags = BUF_PREALLOC | BUF_ADJACENT;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 4);
+ /* Test single whole page. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size);
+ got_result("single whole page");
+ /* Test single partial page. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr + 123;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE - 456;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys + 123);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size);
+ got_result("single partial page");
+ /* Test multiple contiguous whole pages. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[1].phys);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size);
+ got_result("multiple contiguous whole pages");
+ /* Test range in multiple contiguous pages. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + 234;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 234;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[1].phys + 234);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size);
+ got_result("range in multiple contiguous pages");
+ /* Test multiple noncontiguous whole pages. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ got_result("multiple noncontiguous whole pages");
+ /* Test range in multiple noncontiguous pages. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + 1;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 2;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ got_result("range in multiple noncontiguous pages");
+ /* Test single-input result truncation. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + PAGE_SIZE / 2;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pvec[1].vp_addr = 0L;
+ pvec[1].vp_size = 0;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + PAGE_SIZE / 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE / 2);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == 0L);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == 0);
+ got_result("single-input result truncation");
+ /* Test multiple inputs, contiguous first. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + PAGE_SIZE - 1;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = 2;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 3);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == 1);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_size == 1);
+ got_result("multiple inputs, contiguous first");
+ /* Test multiple inputs, contiguous last. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + 123;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 456;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + 234;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 345;
+ pcount = 4;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 3);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + 123);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 123);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - (456 - 123));
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_addr == buf[1].phys + 234);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_size == vvec[1].vv_size);
+ got_result("multiple inputs, contiguous last");
+ /* Test multiple-inputs result truncation. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + 2;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 3;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = 135;
+ pvec[2].vp_addr = 0xDEADBEEFL;
+ pvec[2].vp_size = 1234;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 2);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_addr == 0xDEADBEEFL);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_size == 1234);
+ got_result("multiple-inputs result truncation");
+ free_bufs(buf, 4);
+PRIVATE void test_endpt(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[1];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[1];
+ struct buf buf[1];
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("endpoint");
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 1);
+ /* Test NONE endpoint. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(NONE, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("NONE endpoint");
+ /* Test ANY endpoint. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(ANY, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("ANY endpoint");
+ free_bufs(buf, 1);
+PRIVATE void test_vector1(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[2];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[3];
+ struct buf buf[2];
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("vector, part 1");
+ buf[0].pages = 2;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[1].pages = 1;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 2);
+ /* Test zero virtual memory size. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = 0;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("zero virtual memory size");
+ /* Test excessive virtual memory size. */
+ vvec[1].vv_size = (vir_bytes) -1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT || r == EPERM);
+ got_result("excessive virtual memory size");
+ /* Test invalid virtual memory. */
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = 0L;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ got_result("invalid virtual memory");
+ /* Test virtual memory overrun. */
+ vvec[0].vv_size++;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ got_result("virtual memory overrun");
+ free_bufs(buf, 2);
+PRIVATE void test_vector2(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[2], *vvecp;
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[3], *pvecp;
+ struct buf buf[2];
+ phys_bytes dummy;
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("vector, part 2");
+ buf[0].pages = 2;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[1].pages = 1;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 2);
+ /* Test zero virtual count. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 0, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("zero virtual count");
+ /* Test negative virtual count. */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, -1, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("negative virtual count");
+ /* Test zero physical count. */
+ pcount = 0;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("zero physical count");
+ /* Test negative physical count. */
+ pcount = -1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("negative physical count");
+ /* Test invalid virtual vector pointer. */
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, NULL, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ got_result("invalid virtual vector pointer");
+ /* Test unallocated virtual vector. */
+ vvecp = (struct vumap_vir *) minix_mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE,
+ if (vvecp == MAP_FAILED)
+ panic("unable to allocate virtual vector");
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvecp, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ expect(!is_allocated((vir_bytes) vvecp, PAGE_SIZE, &dummy));
+ got_result("unallocated virtual vector pointer");
+ minix_munmap((void *) vvecp, PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Test invalid physical vector pointer. */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, NULL, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ got_result("invalid physical vector pointer");
+ /* Test unallocated physical vector. */
+ pvecp = (struct vumap_phys *) minix_mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE,
+ if (pvecp == MAP_FAILED)
+ panic("unable to allocate physical vector");
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvecp, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(is_allocated((vir_bytes) pvecp, PAGE_SIZE, &dummy));
+ expect(pcount == 2);
+ expect(pvecp[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 2);
+ expect(pvecp[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvecp[1].vp_addr == buf[1].phys);
+ got_result("unallocated physical vector pointer");
+ minix_munmap((void *) pvecp, PAGE_SIZE);
+ free_bufs(buf, 2);
+PRIVATE void test_grant(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[2];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[3];
+ struct buf buf[2];
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("grant");
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[1].pages = 2;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 2);
+ /* Test write-only access on read-only grant. */
+ grant_access = CPF_READ; /* override */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EPERM);
+ got_result("write-only access on read-only grant");
+ /* Test read-write access on read-only grant. */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ | VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EPERM);
+ got_result("read-write access on read-only grant");
+ /* Test read-only access on write-only grant. */
+ grant_access = CPF_WRITE; /* override */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EPERM);
+ got_result("read-only access on write-only grant");
+ /* Test read-write access on write grant. */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ | VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EPERM);
+ got_result("read-write access on write-only grant");
+ /* Test read-only access on read-write grant. */
+ grant_access = CPF_READ | CPF_WRITE; /* override */
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ got_result("read-only access on read-write grant");
+ grant_access = 0; /* reset */
+ /* Test invalid grant. */
+ grant_exception = GE_INVALID;
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 2;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("invalid grant");
+ /* Test revoked grant. */
+ grant_exception = GE_REVOKED;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EPERM);
+ got_result("revoked grant");
+ grant_exception = GE_NONE;
+ free_bufs(buf, 2);
+PRIVATE void test_offset(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[2];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[3];
+ struct buf buf[4];
+ size_t off, off2;
+ int r, pcount;
+ test_group("offsets");
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[1].pages = 2;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[2].pages = 1;
+ buf[2].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[3].pages = 1;
+ buf[3].flags = BUF_PREALLOC | BUF_ADJACENT;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 4);
+ /* Test offset into aligned page. */
+ off = 123;
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, off, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys + off);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size - off);
+ got_result("offset into aligned page");
+ /* Test offset into unaligned page. */
+ off2 = 456;
+ assert(off + off2 < PAGE_SIZE);
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr + off;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE - off;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, off2, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys + off + off2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size - off2);
+ got_result("offset into unaligned page");
+ /* Test offset into unaligned page set. */
+ off = 1234;
+ off2 = 567;
+ assert(off + off2 < PAGE_SIZE);
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + off;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = (PAGE_SIZE - off) * 2;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, off2, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[1].phys + off + off2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size - off2);
+ got_result("offset into contiguous page set");
+ /* Test offset into noncontiguous page set. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[2].addr + off;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = (PAGE_SIZE - off) * 2;
+ pcount = 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, off2, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[2].phys + off + off2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - off - off2);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - off);
+ got_result("offset into noncontiguous page set");
+ /* Test offset to last byte. */
+ off = PAGE_SIZE - off2 - 1;
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr + off2;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE - off2;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, off, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys + off + off2);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == 1);
+ got_result("offset to last byte");
+ /* Test offset at range end. */
+ off = 234;
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + off;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE - off * 2;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = vvec[0].vv_addr + vvec[0].vv_size;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = off;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, vvec[0].vv_size, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("offset at range end");
+ /* Test offset beyond range end. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + PAGE_SIZE;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 2, PAGE_SIZE + off, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("offset beyond range end");
+ /* Test negative offset. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[1].addr + off + off2;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, (size_t) -1, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ got_result("negative offset");
+ free_bufs(buf, 4);
+PRIVATE void test_access(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[3];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[4], *pvecp;
+ struct buf buf[7];
+ int i, r, pcount, pindex;
+ test_group("access");
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = 0;
+ buf[1].pages = 1;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC | BUF_ADJACENT;
+ buf[2].pages = 1;
+ buf[2].flags = BUF_ADJACENT;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 3);
+ /* Test no access flags. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
+ pcount = 4;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, 0, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EINVAL);
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[0]));
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[1]));
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[2]));
+ got_result("no access flags");
+ /* Test read-only access. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
+ pcount = 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[0]));
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[1]));
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[2]));
+ got_result("read-only access");
+ /* Test read-write access. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
+ pcount = 4;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ | VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == EFAULT);
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[0]));
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[1]));
+ expect(!is_buf_allocated(&buf[2]));
+ got_result("read-write access");
+ /* Test write-only access. */
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
+ pcount = 4;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ /* We don't control the physical addresses of the faulted-in pages, so
+ * they may or may not end up being contiguous with their neighbours.
+ */
+ expect(pcount >= 1 && pcount <= 3);
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[0]));
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[1]));
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[2]));
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ switch (pcount) {
+ case 1:
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 3);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size + pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 3);
+ if (pvec[0].vp_size > PAGE_SIZE)
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[2].phys);
+ else
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[1].phys);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_addr == buf[1].phys);
+ expect(pvec[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_addr == buf[2].phys);
+ expect(pvec[2].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ break;
+ }
+ got_result("write-only access");
+ free_bufs(buf, 3);
+ /* Test page faulting. */
+ buf[0].pages = 1;
+ buf[0].flags = 0;
+ buf[1].pages = 1;
+ buf[1].flags = BUF_PREALLOC | BUF_ADJACENT;
+ buf[2].pages = 1;
+ buf[2].flags = 0;
+ buf[3].pages = 2;
+ buf[3].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[4].pages = 1;
+ buf[4].flags = BUF_ADJACENT;
+ buf[5].pages = 1;
+ buf[5].flags = BUF_ADJACENT;
+ buf[6].pages = 1;
+ buf[6].flags = 0;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 7);
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr + PAGE_SIZE - 1;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE - 1;
+ vvec[1].vv_addr = buf[2].addr;
+ vvec[1].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ vvec[2].vv_addr = buf[3].addr + 123;
+ vvec[2].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 4 - 456;
+ pvecp = (struct vumap_phys *) buf[6].addr;
+ pcount = 7;
+ assert(sizeof(struct vumap_phys) * pcount <= PAGE_SIZE);
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 3, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvecp, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ /* Same story but more possibilities. I hope I got this right. */
+ expect(pcount >= 3 || pcount <= 6);
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+ expect(is_buf_allocated(&buf[i]));
+ expect(pvecp[0].vp_addr = buf[0].phys);
+ if (pvecp[0].vp_size == 1) {
+ expect(pvecp[1].vp_addr == buf[1].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 2);
+ pindex = 2;
+ } else {
+ expect(pvecp[0].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ pindex = 1;
+ }
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_addr == buf[2].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ pindex++;
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_addr == buf[3].phys + 123);
+ switch (pcount - pindex) {
+ case 1:
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 4 - 456);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (pvecp[pindex].vp_size > PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 123) {
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 3 - 123);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_addr == buf[5].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_size ==
+ PAGE_SIZE - (456 - 123));
+ } else {
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 123);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_addr == buf[4].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_size ==
+ PAGE_SIZE * 2 - (456 - 123));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ expect(pvecp[pindex].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 123);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_addr == buf[4].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 1].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 2].vp_addr == buf[5].phys);
+ expect(pvecp[pindex + 2].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE - (456 - 123));
+ break;
+ default:
+ expect(0);
+ }
+ got_result("page faulting");
+ free_bufs(buf, 7);
+ /* MISSING: tests to see whether a request with VUA_WRITE or
+ * (VUA_READ|VUA_WRITE) correctly gets an EFAULT for a read-only page.
+ * As of writing, support for such protection is missing from the
+ * system at all.
+ */
+PRIVATE void phys_limit(struct vumap_vir *vvec, int vcount,
+ struct vumap_phys *pvec, int pcount, struct buf *buf, char *desc)
+ int i, r;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, vcount, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result(desc);
+PRIVATE void test_limits(void)
+ struct vumap_vir vvec[MAPVEC_NR + 3];
+ struct vumap_phys pvec[MAPVEC_NR + 3];
+ struct buf buf[MAPVEC_NR + 9];
+ int i, r, vcount, pcount, nr_bufs;
+ test_group("limits");
+ /* Test large contiguous range. */
+ buf[0].pages = MAPVEC_NR + 2;
+ buf[0].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, 1);
+ vvec[0].vv_addr = buf[0].addr;
+ vvec[0].vv_size = (MAPVEC_NR + 2) * PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = 2;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == 1);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_addr == buf[0].phys);
+ expect(pvec[0].vp_size == vvec[0].vv_size);
+ got_result("large contiguous range");
+ free_bufs(buf, 1);
+ /* I'd like to test MAPVEC_NR contiguous ranges of MAPVEC_NR pages
+ * each, but chances are we don't have that much contiguous memory
+ * available at all. In fact, the previous test may already fail
+ * because of this..
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR + 2; i++) {
+ buf[i].pages = 1;
+ buf[i].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ }
+ buf[i].pages = 1;
+ buf[i].flags = BUF_PREALLOC | BUF_ADJACENT;
+ alloc_bufs(buf, MAPVEC_NR + 3);
+ /* Test virtual limit, one below. */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR + 2; i++) {
+ vvec[i].vv_addr = buf[i].addr;
+ vvec[i].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ vvec[i - 1].vv_size += PAGE_SIZE;
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR + 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, MAPVEC_NR - 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR - 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR - 1; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("virtual limit, one below");
+ /* Test virtual limit, exact match. */
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR + 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, MAPVEC_NR, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("virtual limit, exact match");
+ /* Test virtual limit, one above. */
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR + 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, MAPVEC_NR + 1, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("virtual limit, one above");
+ /* Test virtual limit, two above. */
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR + 3;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec, MAPVEC_NR + 2, 0, VUA_WRITE, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("virtual limit, two above");
+ /* Test physical limit, one below, aligned. */
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR - 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec + 2, MAPVEC_NR, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR - 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR - 1; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i + 2].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("physical limit, one below, aligned");
+ /* Test physical limit, one below, unaligned. */
+ pcount = MAPVEC_NR - 1;
+ r = do_vumap(SELF, vvec + 3, MAPVEC_NR, 0, VUA_READ, pvec, &pcount);
+ expect(r == OK);
+ expect(pcount == MAPVEC_NR - 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < MAPVEC_NR - 1; i++) {
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_addr == buf[i + 3].phys);
+ expect(pvec[i].vp_size == PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ got_result("physical limit, one below, unaligned");
+ free_bufs(buf, MAPVEC_NR + 3);
+ nr_bufs = sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]);
+ /* This ends up looking in our virtual address space as follows:
+ * [P] [P] [P] [PPP] [PPP] ...(MAPVEC_NR x [PPP])... [PPP]
+ * ..where P is a page, and the blocks are virtually contiguous.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_bufs; i += 3) {
+ buf[i].pages = 1;
+ buf[i].flags = BUF_PREALLOC;
+ buf[i + 1].pages = 1;
+ buf[i + 1].flags =
+ BUF_PREALLOC | ((i >= 3) ? BUF_ADJACENT : 0);
+ buf[i + 2].pages = 1;
+ buf[i + 2].flags =
+ BUF_PREALLOC | ((i >= 3) ? BUF_ADJACENT : 0);
+ }
+ alloc_bufs(buf, nr_bufs);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ vvec[i].vv_addr = buf[i].addr;
+ vvec[i].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < nr_bufs / 3 + 1; i++) {
+ vvec[i].vv_addr = buf[(i - 2) * 3].addr;
+ vvec[i].vv_size = PAGE_SIZE * 3;
+ }
+ vcount = i;
+ /* Out of each of the following tests, one will be aligned (that is,
+ * the last pvec entry will be for the last page in a vvec entry) and
+ * two will be unaligned.
+ */
+ /* Test physical limit, exact match. */
+ phys_limit(vvec, vcount, pvec, MAPVEC_NR, buf,
+ "physical limit, exact match, try 1");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 1, vcount - 1, pvec, MAPVEC_NR, buf + 1,
+ "physical limit, exact match, try 2");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 2, vcount - 2, pvec, MAPVEC_NR, buf + 2,
+ "physical limit, exact match, try 3");
+ /* Test physical limit, one above. */
+ phys_limit(vvec, vcount, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 1, buf,
+ "physical limit, one above, try 1");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 1, vcount - 1, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 1, buf + 1,
+ "physical limit, one above, try 2");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 2, vcount - 2, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 1, buf + 2,
+ "physical limit, one above, try 3");
+ /* Test physical limit, two above. */
+ phys_limit(vvec, vcount, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 2, buf,
+ "physical limit, two above, try 1");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 1, vcount - 1, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 2, buf + 1,
+ "physical limit, two above, try 2");
+ phys_limit(vvec + 2, vcount - 2, pvec, MAPVEC_NR + 2, buf + 2,
+ "physical limit, two above, try 3");
+ free_bufs(buf, nr_bufs);
+PRIVATE void do_tests(int use_relay)
+ relay = use_relay;
+ test_basics();
+ if (!relay) test_endpt(); /* local only */
+ test_vector1();
+ if (!relay) test_vector2(); /* local only */
+ if (relay) test_grant(); /* remote only */
+ test_offset();
+ test_access();
+ test_limits();
+PRIVATE int sef_cb_init_fresh(int UNUSED(type), sef_init_info_t *UNUSED(info))
+ int r;
+ verbose = (env_argc > 1 && !strcmp(env_argv[1], "-v"));
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("Starting sys_vumap test set\n");
+ do_tests(FALSE /*use_relay*/);
+ if ((r = ds_retrieve_label_endpt("vumaprelay", &endpt)) != OK)
+ panic("unable to obtain endpoint for 'vumaprelay' (%d)", r);
+ do_tests(TRUE /*use_relay*/);
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("Completed sys_vumap test set, %u/%u tests failed\n",
+ failures, count);
+ /* The returned code will determine the outcome of the RS call, and
+ * thus the entire test. The actual error code does not matter.
+ */
+ return (failures) ? EINVAL : OK;
+PRIVATE void sef_local_startup(void)
+ sef_setcb_init_fresh(sef_cb_init_fresh);
+ sef_startup();
+PUBLIC int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ env_setargs(argc, argv);
+ sef_local_startup();
+ return 0;