+++ /dev/null
-/* sha1.c : Implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm */
-/* SHA: NIST's Secure Hash Algorithm */
-/* This version written November 2000 by David Ireland of
- DI Management Services Pty Limited <code@di-mgt.com.au>
- Adapted from code in the Python Cryptography Toolkit,
- version 1.0.0 by A.M. Kuchling 1995.
-/* AM Kuchling's posting:-
- Based on SHA code originally posted to sci.crypt by Peter Gutmann
- in message <30ajo5$oe8@ccu2.auckland.ac.nz>.
- Modified to test for endianness on creation of SHA objects by AMK.
- Also, the original specification of SHA was found to have a weakness
- by NSA/NIST. This code implements the fixed version of SHA.
-/* Here's the first paragraph of Peter Gutmann's posting:
-The following is my SHA (FIPS 180) code updated to allow use of the "fixed"
-SHA, thanks to Jim Gillogly and an anonymous contributor for the information on
-what's changed in the new version. The fix is a simple change which involves
-adding a single rotate in the initial expansion function. It is unknown
-whether this is an optimal solution to the problem which was discovered in the
-SHA or whether it's simply a bandaid which fixes the problem with a minimum of
-effort (for example the reengineering of a great many Capstone chips).
-/* h files included here to make this just one file ... */
-/* global.h */
-#ifndef _GLOBAL_H_
-#define _GLOBAL_H_ 1
-/* POINTER defines a generic pointer type */
-typedef unsigned char *POINTER;
-/* UINT4 defines a four byte word */
-typedef unsigned long int UINT4;
-/* SHA1BYTE defines a unsigned character */
-typedef unsigned char SHA1BYTE;
-#endif /* end _GLOBAL_H_ */
-/* sha.h */
-#ifndef _SHA_H_
-#define _SHA_H_ 1
-/* #include "global.h" */
-/* The structure for storing SHS info */
-typedef struct
- UINT4 digest[ 5 ]; /* Message digest */
- UINT4 countLo, countHi; /* 64-bit bit count */
- UINT4 data[ 16 ]; /* SHS data buffer */
- int Endianness;
-/* Message digest functions */
-void SHAInit(SHA_CTX *);
-void SHAUpdate(SHA_CTX *, SHA1BYTE *buffer, int count);
-void SHAFinal(SHA1BYTE *output, SHA_CTX *);
-#endif /* end _SHA_H_ */
-/* endian.h */
-#ifndef _ENDIAN_H_
-#define _ENDIAN_H_ 1
-void endianTest(int *endianness);
-#endif /* end _ENDIAN_H_ */
-/* sha.c */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static void SHAtoByte(SHA1BYTE *output, UINT4 *input, unsigned int len);
-/* The SHS block size and message digest sizes, in bytes */
-#define SHS_DATASIZE 64
-#define SHS_DIGESTSIZE 20
-/* The SHS f()-functions. The f1 and f3 functions can be optimized to
- save one boolean operation each - thanks to Rich Schroeppel,
- rcs@cs.arizona.edu for discovering this */
-/*#define f1(x,y,z) ( ( x & y ) | ( ~x & z ) ) // Rounds 0-19 */
-#define f1(x,y,z) ( z ^ ( x & ( y ^ z ) ) ) /* Rounds 0-19 */
-#define f2(x,y,z) ( x ^ y ^ z ) /* Rounds 20-39 */
-/*#define f3(x,y,z) ( ( x & y ) | ( x & z ) | ( y & z ) ) // Rounds 40-59 */
-#define f3(x,y,z) ( ( x & y ) | ( z & ( x | y ) ) ) /* Rounds 40-59 */
-#define f4(x,y,z) ( x ^ y ^ z ) /* Rounds 60-79 */
-/* The SHS Mysterious Constants */
-#define K1 0x5A827999L /* Rounds 0-19 */
-#define K2 0x6ED9EBA1L /* Rounds 20-39 */
-#define K3 0x8F1BBCDCL /* Rounds 40-59 */
-#define K4 0xCA62C1D6L /* Rounds 60-79 */
-/* SHS initial values */
-#define h0init 0x67452301L
-#define h1init 0xEFCDAB89L
-#define h2init 0x98BADCFEL
-#define h3init 0x10325476L
-#define h4init 0xC3D2E1F0L
-/* Note that it may be necessary to add parentheses to these macros if they
- are to be called with expressions as arguments */
-/* 32-bit rotate left - kludged with shifts */
-#define ROTL(n,X) ( ( ( X ) << n ) | ( ( X ) >> ( 32 - n ) ) )
-/* The initial expanding function. The hash function is defined over an
- 80-UINT2 expanded input array W, where the first 16 are copies of the input
- data, and the remaining 64 are defined by
- W[ i ] = W[ i - 16 ] ^ W[ i - 14 ] ^ W[ i - 8 ] ^ W[ i - 3 ]
- This implementation generates these values on the fly in a circular
- buffer - thanks to Colin Plumb, colin@nyx10.cs.du.edu for this
- optimization.
- The updated SHS changes the expanding function by adding a rotate of 1
- bit. Thanks to Jim Gillogly, jim@rand.org, and an anonymous contributor
- for this information */
-#define expand(W,i) ( W[ i & 15 ] = ROTL( 1, ( W[ i & 15 ] ^ W[ (i - 14) & 15 ] ^ \
- W[ (i - 8) & 15 ] ^ W[ (i - 3) & 15 ] ) ) )
-/* The prototype SHS sub-round. The fundamental sub-round is:
- a' = e + ROTL( 5, a ) + f( b, c, d ) + k + data;
- b' = a;
- c' = ROTL( 30, b );
- d' = c;
- e' = d;
- but this is implemented by unrolling the loop 5 times and renaming the
- variables ( e, a, b, c, d ) = ( a', b', c', d', e' ) each iteration.
- This code is then replicated 20 times for each of the 4 functions, using
- the next 20 values from the W[] array each time */
-#define subRound(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, data) \
- ( e += ROTL( 5, a ) + f( b, c, d ) + k + data, b = ROTL( 30, b ) )
-/* Initialize the SHS values */
-void SHAInit(SHA_CTX *shsInfo)
- endianTest(&shsInfo->Endianness);
- /* Set the h-vars to their initial values */
- shsInfo->digest[ 0 ] = h0init;
- shsInfo->digest[ 1 ] = h1init;
- shsInfo->digest[ 2 ] = h2init;
- shsInfo->digest[ 3 ] = h3init;
- shsInfo->digest[ 4 ] = h4init;
- /* Initialise bit count */
- shsInfo->countLo = shsInfo->countHi = 0;
-/* Perform the SHS transformation. Note that this code, like MD5, seems to
- break some optimizing compilers due to the complexity of the expressions
- and the size of the basic block. It may be necessary to split it into
- sections, e.g. based on the four subrounds
- Note that this corrupts the shsInfo->data area */
-static void SHSTransform( UINT4 *digest, UINT4 *data )
- {
- UINT4 A, B, C, Dv, E; /* Local vars */
- UINT4 eData[ 16 ]; /* Expanded data */
- /* Set up first buffer and local data buffer */
- A = digest[ 0 ];
- B = digest[ 1 ];
- C = digest[ 2 ];
- Dv = digest[ 3 ];
- E = digest[ 4 ];
- memcpy( (POINTER)eData, (POINTER)data, SHS_DATASIZE );
- /* Heavy mangling, in 4 sub-rounds of 20 interations each. */
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f1, K1, eData[ 0 ] );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f1, K1, eData[ 1 ] );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, eData[ 2 ] );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f1, K1, eData[ 3 ] );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f1, K1, eData[ 4 ] );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f1, K1, eData[ 5 ] );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f1, K1, eData[ 6 ] );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, eData[ 7 ] );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f1, K1, eData[ 8 ] );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f1, K1, eData[ 9 ] );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f1, K1, eData[ 10 ] );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f1, K1, eData[ 11 ] );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, eData[ 12 ] );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f1, K1, eData[ 13 ] );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f1, K1, eData[ 14 ] );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f1, K1, eData[ 15 ] );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f1, K1, expand( eData, 16 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, expand( eData, 17 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f1, K1, expand( eData, 18 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f1, K1, expand( eData, 19 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f2, K2, expand( eData, 20 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f2, K2, expand( eData, 21 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand( eData, 22 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand( eData, 23 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f2, K2, expand( eData, 24 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f2, K2, expand( eData, 25 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f2, K2, expand( eData, 26 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand( eData, 27 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand( eData, 28 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f2, K2, expand( eData, 29 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f2, K2, expand( eData, 30 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f2, K2, expand( eData, 31 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand( eData, 32 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand( eData, 33 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f2, K2, expand( eData, 34 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f2, K2, expand( eData, 35 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f2, K2, expand( eData, 36 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand( eData, 37 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand( eData, 38 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f2, K2, expand( eData, 39 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f3, K3, expand( eData, 40 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f3, K3, expand( eData, 41 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand( eData, 42 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand( eData, 43 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f3, K3, expand( eData, 44 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f3, K3, expand( eData, 45 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f3, K3, expand( eData, 46 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand( eData, 47 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand( eData, 48 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f3, K3, expand( eData, 49 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f3, K3, expand( eData, 50 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f3, K3, expand( eData, 51 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand( eData, 52 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand( eData, 53 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f3, K3, expand( eData, 54 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f3, K3, expand( eData, 55 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f3, K3, expand( eData, 56 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand( eData, 57 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand( eData, 58 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f3, K3, expand( eData, 59 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f4, K4, expand( eData, 60 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f4, K4, expand( eData, 61 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand( eData, 62 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand( eData, 63 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f4, K4, expand( eData, 64 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f4, K4, expand( eData, 65 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f4, K4, expand( eData, 66 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand( eData, 67 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand( eData, 68 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f4, K4, expand( eData, 69 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f4, K4, expand( eData, 70 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f4, K4, expand( eData, 71 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand( eData, 72 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand( eData, 73 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f4, K4, expand( eData, 74 ) );
- subRound( A, B, C, Dv, E, f4, K4, expand( eData, 75 ) );
- subRound( E, A, B, C, Dv, f4, K4, expand( eData, 76 ) );
- subRound( Dv, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand( eData, 77 ) );
- subRound( C, Dv, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand( eData, 78 ) );
- subRound( B, C, Dv, E, A, f4, K4, expand( eData, 79 ) );
- /* Build message digest */
- digest[ 0 ] += A;
- digest[ 1 ] += B;
- digest[ 2 ] += C;
- digest[ 3 ] += Dv;
- digest[ 4 ] += E;
- }
-/* When run on a little-endian CPU we need to perform byte reversal on an
- array of long words. */
-static void longReverse(UINT4 *buffer, int byteCount, int Endianness )
- UINT4 value;
- if (Endianness) return;
- byteCount /= sizeof( UINT4 );
- while( byteCount-- )
- {
- value = *buffer;
- value = ( ( value & 0xFF00FF00L ) >> 8 ) | \
- ( ( value & 0x00FF00FFL ) << 8 );
- *buffer++ = ( value << 16 ) | ( value >> 16 );
- }
-/* Update SHS for a block of data */
-void SHAUpdate(SHA_CTX *shsInfo, SHA1BYTE *buffer, int count)
- UINT4 tmp;
- int dataCount;
- /* Update bitcount */
- tmp = shsInfo->countLo;
- if ( ( shsInfo->countLo = tmp + ( ( UINT4 ) count << 3 ) ) < tmp )
- shsInfo->countHi++; /* Carry from low to high */
- shsInfo->countHi += count >> 29;
- /* Get count of bytes already in data */
- dataCount = ( int ) ( tmp >> 3 ) & 0x3F;
- /* Handle any leading odd-sized chunks */
- if( dataCount )
- {
- SHA1BYTE *p = ( SHA1BYTE * ) shsInfo->data + dataCount;
- dataCount = SHS_DATASIZE - dataCount;
- if( count < dataCount )
- {
- memcpy( p, buffer, count );
- return;
- }
- memcpy( p, buffer, dataCount );
- longReverse( shsInfo->data, SHS_DATASIZE, shsInfo->Endianness);
- SHSTransform( shsInfo->digest, shsInfo->data );
- buffer += dataCount;
- count -= dataCount;
- }
- /* Process data in SHS_DATASIZE chunks */
- while( count >= SHS_DATASIZE )
- {
- memcpy( (POINTER)shsInfo->data, (POINTER)buffer, SHS_DATASIZE );
- longReverse( shsInfo->data, SHS_DATASIZE, shsInfo->Endianness );
- SHSTransform( shsInfo->digest, shsInfo->data );
- buffer += SHS_DATASIZE;
- count -= SHS_DATASIZE;
- }
- /* Handle any remaining bytes of data. */
- memcpy( (POINTER)shsInfo->data, (POINTER)buffer, count );
- }
-/* Final wrapup - pad to SHS_DATASIZE-byte boundary with the bit pattern
- 1 0* (64-bit count of bits processed, MSB-first) */
-void SHAFinal(SHA1BYTE *output, SHA_CTX *shsInfo)
- int count;
- SHA1BYTE *dataPtr;
- /* Compute number of bytes mod 64 */
- count = ( int ) shsInfo->countLo;
- count = ( count >> 3 ) & 0x3F;
- /* Set the first char of padding to 0x80. This is safe since there is
- always at least one byte free */
- dataPtr = ( SHA1BYTE * ) shsInfo->data + count;
- *dataPtr++ = 0x80;
- /* Bytes of padding needed to make 64 bytes */
- count = SHS_DATASIZE - 1 - count;
- /* Pad out to 56 mod 64 */
- if( count < 8 )
- {
- /* Two lots of padding: Pad the first block to 64 bytes */
- memset( dataPtr, 0, count );
- longReverse( shsInfo->data, SHS_DATASIZE, shsInfo->Endianness );
- SHSTransform( shsInfo->digest, shsInfo->data );
- /* Now fill the next block with 56 bytes */
- memset( (POINTER)shsInfo->data, 0, SHS_DATASIZE - 8 );
- }
- else
- /* Pad block to 56 bytes */
- memset( dataPtr, 0, count - 8 );
- /* Append length in bits and transform */
- shsInfo->data[ 14 ] = shsInfo->countHi;
- shsInfo->data[ 15 ] = shsInfo->countLo;
- longReverse( shsInfo->data, SHS_DATASIZE - 8, shsInfo->Endianness );
- SHSTransform( shsInfo->digest, shsInfo->data );
- /* Output to an array of bytes */
- SHAtoByte(output, shsInfo->digest, SHS_DIGESTSIZE);
- /* Zeroise sensitive stuff */
- memset((POINTER)shsInfo, 0, sizeof(shsInfo));
-static void SHAtoByte(SHA1BYTE *output, UINT4 *input, unsigned int len)
-{ /* Output SHA digest in byte array */
- unsigned int i, j;
- for(i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4)
- {
- output[j+3] = (SHA1BYTE)( input[i] & 0xff);
- output[j+2] = (SHA1BYTE)((input[i] >> 8 ) & 0xff);
- output[j+1] = (SHA1BYTE)((input[i] >> 16) & 0xff);
- output[j ] = (SHA1BYTE)((input[i] >> 24) & 0xff);
- }
-unsigned char digest[SHS_DIGESTSIZE];
-unsigned char testmessage[3] = {'a', 'b', 'c' };
-unsigned char *mess56 = (unsigned char *)
- "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq";
-/* Correct solutions from FIPS PUB 180-1 */
-char *dig1 = "A9993E36 4706816A BA3E2571 7850C26C 9CD0D89D";
-char *dig2 = "84983E44 1C3BD26E BAAE4AA1 F95129E5 E54670F1";
-char *dig3 = "34AA973C D4C4DAA4 F61EEB2B DBAD2731 6534016F";
-/* Output should look like:-
- a9993e36 4706816a ba3e2571 7850c26c 9cd0d89d
- A9993E36 4706816A BA3E2571 7850C26C 9CD0D89D <= correct
- 84983e44 1c3bd26e baae4aa1 f95129e5 e54670f1
- 84983E44 1C3BD26E BAAE4AA1 F95129E5 E54670F1 <= correct
- 34aa973c d4c4daa4 f61eeb2b dbad2731 6534016f
- 34AA973C D4C4DAA4 F61EEB2B DBAD2731 6534016F <= correct
-void sha1test(void)
- SHA_CTX sha;
- int i;
- SHA1BYTE big[1000];
- SHAInit(&sha);
- SHAUpdate(&sha, testmessage, 3);
- SHAFinal(digest, &sha);
- for (i = 0; i < SHS_DIGESTSIZE; i++)
- {
- if ((i % 4) == 0) printf(" ");
- printf("%02x", digest[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf(" %s <= correct\n", dig1);
- SHAInit(&sha);
- SHAUpdate(&sha, mess56, 56);
- SHAFinal(digest, &sha);
- for (i = 0; i < SHS_DIGESTSIZE; i++)
- {
- if ((i % 4) == 0) printf(" ");
- printf("%02x", digest[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf(" %s <= correct\n", dig2);
- /* Fill up big array */
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
- big[i] = 'a';
- SHAInit(&sha);
- /* Digest 1 million x 'a' */
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
- SHAUpdate(&sha, big, 1000);
- SHAFinal(digest, &sha);
- for (i = 0; i < SHS_DIGESTSIZE; i++)
- {
- if ((i % 4) == 0) printf(" ");
- printf("%02x", digest[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf(" %s <= correct\n", dig3);
-/* endian.c */
-void endianTest(int *endian_ness)
- if((*(unsigned short *) ("#S") >> 8) == '#')
- {
- /* printf("Big endian = no change\n"); */
- *endian_ness = !(0);
- }
- else
- {
- /* printf("Little endian = swap\n"); */
- *endian_ness = 0;
- }
-static char *
-sha1print(char *digest)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < SHS_DIGESTSIZE; i++) {
- printf("%02x", (unsigned char) digest[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
-static int
-phys_sha1(unsigned long ptr, unsigned long bytes, unsigned char *digest)
- unsigned long addr = 0;
- SHA_CTX sha;
- SHAInit(&sha);
- while(bytes > 0) {
- unsigned long chunk;
- static unsigned char buf[1024];
- chunk = bytes > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : bytes;
- PHYS_COPY_CATCH(ptr, vir2phys(buf), chunk, addr);
- if(addr) {
- return EFAULT;
- }
- SHAUpdate(&sha, buf, chunk);
- ptr += chunk;
- bytes -= chunk;
- }
- SHAFinal(digest, &sha);
- return OK;
-static void
-sha1(unsigned char *ptr, unsigned long bytes, unsigned char *digest)
- SHA_CTX sha;
- SHAInit(&sha);
- SHAUpdate(&sha, ptr, bytes);
- SHAFinal(digest, &sha);
- return;