-# netconf 0.1 - Configure network
+# netconf 0.2 - Configure network
# Changes:
+# v0.2: rewrite for NetBSD network infrastructure
+# - the primary choice is now for an interface, not a network card;
+# - manual driver configuration is now an exception;
+# - the menu transition system is slightly more solid;
+# - all non-interactive functionality has been removed.
# Get system config
. /etc/rc.conf
-v=1 # verbosity
cd="no" # running from cd?
-# Provide some sane defaults
-hostname_default=`uname -n`
-test -z "$hostname_default" && hostname_default="Minix"
+changed="no" # have any ifconfig.if(5) files been changed?
cat >&2 <<'EOF'
- netconf [-q] [-p <prefix>] [-e <num>] [-a]
- netconf [-H <name> -i <ip> -n <mask> -g <gw> -d <prim dns> [-s <sec dns>]]
+ netconf [-lh] [-p <prefix>]
- -q Limit generated output
- -p Path prefix for configuration files (e.g., during install -p mnt is used as files are mounted on /mnt).
- -e Ethernet card
- -a Use DHCP (-H, -i, -n, -g, -d, and -s flags are discarded)
- -H Hostname
- -i IP address
- -n Netmask
- -g Default gateway
- -d Primary DNS
- -s Secondary DNS
- -h Shows this help file
- -c Shows a list of ethernet cards supported
- By default netconf starts in Interactive mode. By providing parameters on the
- command line, some questions can be omitted.
+ -l Print a list of configurable interfaces
+ -h Print this help file
+ -p Set a path prefix for all configuration files (e.g., /mnt)
exit 1
- card_number=$1
- card_name=$2
- card_avail=0
- shift 2
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- do
- cat $LSPCI | grep > /dev/null "^$1" && card_avail=1
- shift
- done
- if [ $card_avail -gt 0 ]
- then
- card_mark="*"
- eth_default=$card_number
- else
- card_mark=" "
+ # Do not make backups if we're running from CD.
+ if [ "$cd" != "yes" -a -f "$1" ]; then
+ mv "$1" "$1~" || exit 1
+ echo
+ echo "Backed up $1 to $1~"
- printf "%2d. %s %s\n" "$card_number" "$card_mark" "$card_name"
- # Run lspci once to a temp file for use in 'card' function
- lspci >$LSPCI 2>/dev/null || true
- card 0 "No Ethernet card (no networking)"
- card 1 "3Com 501 or 3Com 509 based card"
- card 2 "Realtek 8029 based card (also emulated by Qemu)" "10EC:8029"
- card 3 "NE2000, 3com 503 or WD based card (also emulated by Qemu, Bochs)"
- card 4 "lan8710a (on BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black)"
- n=$first_pcicard
- for pcicard in $pci_list
- do var=\$pci_descr$pcicard; descr="`eval echo $var`"
- var=\$pci_pcilist$pcicard; pcilist="`eval echo $var`"
- card $n "$descr" $pcilist
- n="`expr $n + 1`"
- done
- card $first_after_pci "Different Ethernet card (no networking)"
- # Remove temporary lspci output
- rm -f $LSPCI
+ while true; do
+ echo -n "$4 [$3] "
+ read input
+ case "$input" in
+ '')
+ return $3
+ ;;
+ *[!0-9]*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ [ $input -ge $1 -a $input -le $2 ] && return $input
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
- echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ! $1"
-config_pci_cards() {
- rm -f $DEVICES
- n=0
- # Collect configs from network devices
- for dir in $SYSTEM_CONF_DIRS
- do for f in $dir/$SYSTEM_CONF_SUBDIR/*
- do if [ -f $f ]
- then printconfig $f | grep 'type net.*pci device'
+ # Get a list of interfaces that are not virtual (i.e., cloners). There
+ # is always one virtual interface type ("lo", loopback).
+ cloners_regex='^('`ifconfig -C | sed 's/ /[0-9]|/g'`'[0-9])'
+ iflist=`ifconfig -l | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -vE "$cloners_regex"`
+ ifcount=0
+ ifunconf=0 # the first interface with no configuration file, or 0
+ if [ -z "$iflist" ]; then
+ echo " No network hardware interfaces detected!"
+ else
+ for if in $iflist; do
+ ifcount=$(($ifcount + 1))
+ if [ -r $IFCONF$if ]; then
+ info="($1)"
+ else
+ [ $ifunconf -eq 0 ] && ifunconf=$ifcount
+ info=""
+ printf "%2d. %-8s %s\n" $ifcount "$if" "$info"
- done >$DEVICES
- while read devline
- do pcilist="`echo $devline | sed 's/.*pci device //' | sed 's/,.*//'`"
- descr="`echo $devline | sed 's/.*,descr //' | sed 's/,.*//'`"
- label="`echo $devline | sed 's/.*service //' | sed 's/,.*//'`"
- pci_list="$pci_list $n"
- eval "pci_pcilist$n=\"$pcilist\""
- eval "pci_descr$n=\"$descr\""
- eval "pci_label$n=\"$label\""
- n="`expr $n + 1`"
- done <$DEVICES
- first_after_pci=`expr $first_pcicard + $n`
- rm -f $DEVICES
+ fi
- eth_default=0
- # Ask user about networking
- echo "MINIX 3 currently supports the following Ethernet cards. PCI cards detected"
- echo "by MINIX are marked with *. Please choose: "
- echo ""
- cards
- echo ""
- while [ "$step1" != ok ]; do
- echo -n "Ethernet card? [$eth_default] "; read eth
- test -z $eth && eth=$eth_default
- drv_params $eth
- test -n "$driver" && step1="ok"
- done
+ echo "
+The following network interfaces are available for configuration. These are
+interfaces corresponding to network drivers that are currently running. If no
+interface is listed for your network card here, then either MINIX 3 does not
+support your card, or, if it is not a plug-and-play device, it may require
+manual configuration first.
+Please choose the interface you would like to configure, or another option.
+ interfaces "already configured"
+ echo
+ manual_choice=$(($ifcount + 1))
+ quit_choice=$(($ifcount + 2))
+ printf "%2d. Manually configure an ethernet driver\n" $manual_choice
+ printf "%2d. Quit\n\n" $quit_choice
+ default_choice=$ifunconf
+ [ $default_choice -eq 0 ] && default_choice=$quit_choice
+ select_number 1 $quit_choice $default_choice "Interface choice?"
+ choice=$?
+ case $choice in
+ $manual_choice)
+ step=do_stepM
+ ;;
+ $quit_choice)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ifchoice="$(echo $iflist | cut -d' ' -f$choice)"
+ step=do_step2
+ esac
- # If this is a known pci device, we only have to set
- # the driver.
- if [ $1 -ge $first_pcicard -a $1 -lt $first_after_pci ]
- then pcicard="`expr $1 - $first_pcicard`"
- var=\$pci_label$pcicard; driver="`eval echo $var`"
+ # TODO: it would be nice if this list changed on a per-platform basis..
+ echo "
+MINIX 3 has drivers for a limited number of older cards that require manual
+configuration. They are shown below. Please choose one of the listed options.
+ 1. 3Com 501 or 3Com 509 based ISA card (i386)
+ 2. NE2000, 3Com 503, or WD based ISA card (i386) (emulated by Bochs, Qemu)
+ 3. Go back to interface selection
+ 4. Quit
+ select_number 1 4 4 "Card choice?"
+ case $? in
+ 1)
+ driver=dpeth
+ driverargs="#dpeth_args='DPETH0=port:irq:memory'"
+ echo "
+Note: After installing, edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration."
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ driver=dp8390
+ driverargs="dp8390_args='DPETH0=300:9'"
+ echo "
+Note: After installing, edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration.
+You may then also have to edit /etc/system.conf.d/dp8390 to match.
+For now, the defaults for emulation by Bochs/Qemu have been set."
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ step=do_step1
- fi
- # Other possibilities.
- case "$1" in
- 0) driver=psip0; ;;
- 1) driver=dpeth; driverargs="#dpeth_arg='DPETH0=port:irq:memory'";
- test "$v" = 1 && echo ""
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Note: After installing, edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration."
- 2) driver=dp8390; driverargs="dp8390_arg='DPETH0=pci'"; ;;
- 3) driver=dp8390; driverargs="dp8390_arg='DPETH0=300:9'";
- test "$v" = 1 && echo ""
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Note: After installing, edit $LOCALRC to the right configuration."
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "You may then also have to edit /etc/system.conf ."
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "For now, the defaults for emulation by Bochs/Qemu have been set."
+ 4)
+ return
- 4) driver=lan8710a; ;;
- $first_after_pci) driver="psip0"; ;;
- *) warn "choose a number"
- esac
+ esac
+ backup_file "$LOCALRC"
+ echo "# Generated by netconf(8). Edit as necessary." > $LOCALRC
+ echo "netdriver='"$driver"'" >> $LOCALRC
+ echo "$driverargs" >> $LOCALRC
+ # $LOCALRC typically expands to /mnt/usr/etc/rc.local, so leave room..
+ echo "
+A template to start the driver has been written to $LOCALRC . As
+noted above, you may have to edit it. Once you are done editing, reboot the
+system, after which the driver will be started. Once the driver is running,
+you can run 'netconf' to configure the corresponding network interface."
- echo ""
- echo "Configure network using DHCP or manually?"
- echo ""
- echo "1. Automatically using DHCP"
- echo "2. Manually"
- echo ""
- while [ "$step2" != ok ]
- do
- echo -n "Configure method? [1] "; read config
- test -z $config && config=1
- case "$config" in
- 1) step2="ok"; dhcp="yes" ; ;;
- 2) step2="ok"; manual="do"; ;;
- *) warn "choose a number"
- esac
- done
- # Use manual parameters?
- if [ -n "$manual" ]; then
- # Query user for settings
- # Hostname
- if [ -z $hostname_prev ]; then
- hostname_prev=$hostname_default
- fi
- echo -n "Hostname [$hostname_prev]: "
- read hostname
- if [ ! -z $hostname ]; then
- hostname_prev=$hostname
- else
- hostname=$hostname_prev
- fi
- # IP address
- if [ -z $ip_prev ]; then
- ip_prev=$ip_default
- fi
- echo -n "IP address [$ip_prev]: "
- read ip
- if [ ! -z $ip ]; then
- ip_prev=$ip
- else
- ip=$ip_prev
- fi
- # Netmask
- if [ -z $netmask_prev ]; then
- netmask_prev=$netmask_default
- fi
- echo -n "Netmask [$netmask_prev]: "
- read netmask
- if [ ! -z $netmask ]; then
- netmask_prev=$netmask
- else
- netmask=$netmask_prev
- fi
- # Gateway (no gateway is fine for local networking)
- echo -n "Gateway: "
- read gateway
- # DNS Servers
- echo -n "Primary DNS Server [$dns1_prev]: "
- read dns1
- test -z "$dns1" && test -n "$dns1_prev" && dns1=$dns1_prev
- if [ ! -z "$dns1" ]; then
- dns1_prev=$dns1
- echo -n "Secondary DNS Server [$dns2_prev]: "
- read dns2
- if [ ! -z $dns2 ]; then
- dns2_prev=$dns2
- fi
+ iffile="$IFCONF$ifchoice"
+ echo "
+Configure interface $ifchoice using DHCP or manually?
+For now, the choice here is primarily about IPv4. With DHCP it is possible to
+enable IPv6 as well. Even if the local network has no IPv6 facilities, enabling
+IPv6 should do no harm. For IPv6-only mode or any other configuration that is
+not supported here, you will have to edit $iffile yourself.
+ 1. Automatically using DHCP (IPv4 + IPv6)
+ 2. Automatically using DHCP (IPv4 only)
+ 3. Manually (IPv4 only)"
+ if [ -r "$iffile" ]; then
+ echo " 4. Remove current configuration"
+ remove_choice=4
+ goback_choice=5
+ quit_choice=6
- # If no primary DNS, then also no secondary DNS
- dns2=""
+ remove_choice=X
+ goback_choice=4
+ quit_choice=5
- fi
+ echo
+ printf "%2d. Go back to interface selection\n" $goback_choice
+ printf "%2d. Quit\n\n" $quit_choice
+ select_number 1 $quit_choice 1 "Configuration choice?"
+ case $? in
+ 1)
+ backup_file "$iffile"
+ echo 'up' > $iffile
+ echo '!dhcpcd -qM $int' >> $iffile
+ echo
+ echo "Interface $ifchoice configured for DHCP (IPv4 + IPv6)."
+ step=do_step3
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ backup_file "$iffile"
+ echo 'up' > $iffile
+ echo '!dhcpcd -qM -4 $int' >> $iffile
+ echo
+ echo "Interface $ifchoice configured for DHCP (IPv4 only)."
+ step=do_step3
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ # Query user for settings
+ #
+ # Some of these settings (hostname, nameservers) do not apply
+ # to just the selected interface. Still, they are what one has
+ # to specify for a complete manual configuration. In order to
+ # make manual configuration of multiple interfaces less
+ # frustrating in this regard, offer defaults that match what
+ # may just have been set already.
+ echo
+ # Hostname
+ if [ -r $HOSTNAME ]; then
+ hostname_default=$(cat $HOSTNAME)
+ else
+ hostname_default="minix"
+ fi
+ echo -n "Hostname [$hostname_default]: "
+ read hostname
+ if [ -z "$hostname" ]; then
+ hostname="$hostname_default"
+ fi
+ # IP address
+ ip=""
+ while [ -z "$ip" ]; do
+ echo -n "IP address []: "
+ read ip
+ done
+ # Netmask
+ echo -n "Netmask (optional) []: "
+ read netmask
+ [ -n "$netmask" ] && netmask=" netmask $netmask"
+ # Gateway (no gateway is fine for local networking)
+ echo -n "Gateway (optional) []: "
+ read gateway
+ # DNS Servers
+ dns1_default="$(grep '^nameserver' $RESOLVCONF 2>/dev/null | \
+ sed '1q' | awk '{print $2}')"
+ dns2_default="$(grep '^nameserver' $RESOLVCONF 2>/dev/null | \
+ sed '2q;d' | awk '{print $2}')"
+ echo -n "Primary DNS Server [$dns1_default]: "
+ read dns1
+ [ -z "$dns1" ] && dns1="$dns1_default"
+ if [ -n "$dns1" ]; then
+ echo -n "Secondary DNS Server (optional) [$dns2_default]: "
+ read dns2
+ [ -z "$dns2" ] && dns2="$dns2_default"
+ else
+ dns2=""
+ fi
+ backup_file "$HOSTNAME"
+ echo "$hostname" > $HOSTNAME
+ hostname "$hostname"
+ backup_file "$iffile"
+ echo 'up' > $iffile
+ echo "inet $ip$netmask" >> $iffile
+ if [ -n "$gateway" ]; then
+ echo "!route -q add default $gateway" >> $iffile
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$dns1" ]; then
+ backup_file "$RESOLVCONF"
+ echo "nameserver $dns1" > $RESOLVCONF
+ if [ -n "$dns2" ]; then
+ echo "nameserver $dns2" >> $RESOLVCONF
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo "Interface $ifchoice configured manually."
+ step=do_step3
+ ;;
+ $remove_choice)
+ backup_file "$iffile"
+ rm -f "$iffile"
+ echo
+ echo "Removed configuration for interface $ifchoice."
+ step=do_step3
+ ;;
+ $goback_choice)
+ step=do_step1
+ ;;
+ esac
-# Find pci cards we know about
+ # We get here only if one of the ifconfig.if(5) files have changed.
+ changed="yes"
+ echo "
+Do you want to configure additional interfaces?
+You can also invoke the 'netconf' command as root at any later time.
+ 1. Go back to interface selection
+ 2. Quit
+ # Note that "quit" is deliberately the default choice: most people will
+ # want to configure at most one interface, and keep pressing Enter in
+ # order to make it through the setup procedure as easily as possible.
+ select_number 1 2 2 "Menu choice?"
+ [ $? -eq 1 ] && step=do_step1
# Parse options
-while getopts ":qe:p:aH:i:n:g:d:s:hc" arg; do
+while getopts "p:hl" arg; do
case "$arg" in
- q) v=0; ;;
- e) ethernet=$OPTARG;
- test "$ethernet" -ge 0 -a "$ethernet" -le 7 2>/dev/null || usage
- drv_params $ethernet
- ;;
p) prefix=$OPTARG; ;;
- a) dhcp="yes"; ;;
- H) hostname=$OPTARG; manual_opts=`expr $manual_opts '+' 1`;;
- i) ip=$OPTARG; manual_opts=`expr $manual_opts '+' 1`;;
- n) netmask=$OPTARG; manual_opts=`expr $manual_opts '+' 1`;;
- g) gateway=$OPTARG; manual_opts=`expr $manual_opts '+' 1`;;
- d) dns1=$OPTARG; ;;
- s) dns2=$OPTARG; ;;
h) usage ;;
- c) echo -e "The following cards are supported by Minix:\n";
- cards; exit 0
+ l) echo "The following network hardware interfaces are detected:"
+ echo
+ interfaces "configured"
+ exit 0
\?) echo "Unknown option -$OPTARG"; usage ;;
:) echo "Missing required argument for -$OPTARG"; usage ;;
-# Verify parameter count
-if [ "$dhcp" != "yes" ] ; then
- if [ $manual_opts -gt 0 ] ; then
- test $manual_opts -eq 4 -a -n "$dns1" || usage
- manual="do"
- fi
if [ -n "$prefix" ] ; then
- RCNET=$prefix$RCNET
- HOSTS=$prefix$HOSTS
- if [ ! -f $INETCONF ]; then
+ if [ ! -d $prefix ]; then
echo -e "It seems the supplied prefix (\`$prefix') is invalid."
exit 1
if [ `whoami` != root ] ; then
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Please run netconf as root."
+ echo "Please run netconf as root."
+ exit 1
+if ! ifconfig -l >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Unable to obtain a list of interfaces. Is the LWIP service running?"
exit 1
cd="yes" # We are running from CD
-# Do we know what ethernet card to use?
-test -z "$ethernet" && do_step1
-# If no parameters are supplied and we're not using DHCP, query for settings
-test $manual_opts -eq 0 -a "$dhcp" = "no" && do_step2
-# Store settings.
-# Do not make backups if we're running from CD
-test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f $INETCONF && mv $INETCONF "$INETCONF~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Backed up $INETCONF to $INETCONF~"
-test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f $LOCALRC && mv $LOCALRC "$LOCALRC~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Backed up $LOCALRC to $LOCALRC~"
+# The interactive program.
+while [ $step != exit ]; do
+ proc=$step
+ step=exit
+ $proc
-if [ "$driver" = "psip0" ]; then
- echo "psip0 { default; } ;" > $INETCONF
- echo "eth0 $driver 0 { default; } ;" > $INETCONF
-echo "$driverargs" > $LOCALRC
-if [ -n "$manual" ]
- then
- # Backup config file if it exists and we're not running from CD
- test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f $RCNET && mv $RCNET "$RCNET~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Backed up $RCNET to $RCNET~"
- test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f $HOSTS && mv $HOSTS "$HOSTS~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Backed up $HOSTS to $HOSTS~"
- # Store manual config
- echo "ifconfig -I /dev/ip0 -n $netmask -h $ip" > $RCNET
- test ! -z $gateway && echo "add_route -g $gateway" >> $RCNET
- echo "daemonize nonamed -L" >> $RCNET
- test ! -z $dns1 && echo -e "$ip\t%nameserver\t#$hostname" > $HOSTS
- test ! -z $dns1 && echo -e "$dns1\t%nameserver\t#DNS 1" >> $HOSTS
- test ! -z $dns2 && echo -e "$dns2\t%nameserver\t#DNS 2" >> $HOSTS
- echo -e "\n$ip\t$hostname" >> $HOSTS
- echo $hostname > $HOSTNAME
- test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f "$RCNET" && mv "$RCNET" "$RCNET~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Moved $RCNET to $RCNET~ to use default settings"
- test "$cd" != "yes" && test -f $HOSTS && mv $HOSTS "$HOSTS~" &&
- test "$v" = 1 && echo "Backed up $HOSTS to $HOSTS~"
- test -f "$HOSTS~" && grep -v "%nameserver" "$HOSTS~" > $HOSTS
+# Skip printing this last bit of information if it will not actually work. The
+# fact that it will not work on the CD (i.e. from the setup program) at least
+# yet, is also the reason why we do not simply issue the command ourselves
+# right now. We might reconsider this later.
+if [ "$changed" = "yes" -a -z "$prefix" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "One or more of the interface configuration files have been changed."
+ echo "You can use the command 'service network restart' to reload them now."
-test "$cd" != "yes" && test "$v" = 1 && echo "
-You might have to reboot for the changes to take effect."
+# Aesthetics.
exit 0