#include "../system.h"
+#include "../vm.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/sigcontext.h>
struct sigcontext sc, *scp;
struct sigframe fr, *frp;
int proc, r;
+ phys_bytes ph;
if (!isokendpt(m_ptr->SIG_ENDPT, &proc)) return(EINVAL);
if (iskerneln(proc)) return(EPERM);
rp = proc_addr(proc);
+ ph = umap_local(proc_addr(who_p), D, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->SIG_CTXT_PTR, sizeof(struct sigmsg));
+ if(!ph) return EFAULT;
+ CHECKRANGE_OR_SUSPEND(proc_addr(who_p), ph, sizeof(struct sigmsg), 1);
/* Get the sigmsg structure into our address space. */
if((r=data_copy(who_e, (vir_bytes) m_ptr->SIG_CTXT_PTR,
SYSTEM, (vir_bytes) &smsg, (phys_bytes) sizeof(struct sigmsg))) != OK)
sc.sc_flags = 0; /* unused at this time */
sc.sc_mask = smsg.sm_mask;
+ ph = umap_local(rp, D, (vir_bytes) scp, sizeof(struct sigcontext));
+ if(!ph) return EFAULT;
+ CHECKRANGE_OR_SUSPEND(rp, ph, sizeof(struct sigcontext), 1);
/* Copy the sigcontext structure to the user's stack. */
if((r=data_copy(SYSTEM, (vir_bytes) &sc, m_ptr->SIG_ENDPT, (vir_bytes) scp,
(vir_bytes) sizeof(struct sigcontext))) != OK)
fr.sf_signo = smsg.sm_signo;
fr.sf_retadr = (void (*)()) smsg.sm_sigreturn;
+ ph = umap_local(rp, D, (vir_bytes) frp, sizeof(struct sigframe));
+ if(!ph) return EFAULT;
+ CHECKRANGE_OR_SUSPEND(rp, ph, sizeof(struct sigframe), 1);
/* Copy the sigframe structure to the user's stack. */
if((r=data_copy(SYSTEM, (vir_bytes) &fr, m_ptr->SIG_ENDPT, (vir_bytes) frp,
(vir_bytes) sizeof(struct sigframe))) != OK)