We used to have an account "ast" as a token to Andrew S. Tannebaum,
the creator of MINIX. The account was disable by default, with no
possible way to login.
It seems it generates more confusion than it is worth, so this removes it.
The default skeleton user profile is still stored into /etc/ast instead
of the usual /etc/skel.
Change-Id: I71818c0bb9580cdecfa9621f8693586fc48d17cb
./etc/ttys minix-sys
./etc/utmp minix-sys
./home minix-sys
-./home/ast minix-sys
-./home/ast/.exrc minix-sys
-./home/ast/.profile minix-sys
+./home/ast minix-sys obsolete
+./home/ast/.exrc minix-sys obsolete
+./home/ast/.profile minix-sys obsolete
./home/bin minix-sys
./home/bin/.exrc minix-sys
./home/bin/.profile minix-sys
${BINOWN} ${BINGRP} ${BINMODE} ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/devmand/scripts/ ${DESTDIR}/etc/devmand/scripts/ singlechar \
${BINOWN} ${BINGRP} ${NONBINMODE} ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/ast/ ${DESTDIR}/usr/ast/ .[aepv]* \
${BINOWN} ${BINGRP} ${NONBINMODE} ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/ast/ ${DESTDIR}/root/ .[aepv]* \
- ast users ${NONBINMODE} ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/ast/ ${DESTDIR}/home/ast/ .[aepv]* \
bin ${BINGRP} ${NONBINMODE} ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/ast/ ${DESTDIR}/home/bin/ .[aepv]* \
${_MKMSG_INSTALL} ${DESTDIR}${tdir}${files:T}
uucp:*:5:5::0:0:UNIX to UNIX copy:/usr/spool/uucp:/usr/bin/uucico
news:*:6:6::0:0:Usenet news:/usr/spool/news:/bin/sh
ftp:*:7:7::0:0:Anonymous FTP:/usr/ftp:/bin/sh
-ast:*:8:100::0:0:Andrew S. Tanenbaum:/home/ast:/bin/sh
www:*:9:9::0:0:World Wide Web:/usr/www:/bin/sh
driver:*:10:10::0:0:Device Drivers:/:/bin/sh
server:*:11:11::0:0:OS Servers:/:/bin/sh
-/set type=dir uid=8 gid=0 mode=755
/set type=dir uid=2 gid=0 mode=755
if [ ! "$auto" = "r" ]
then if mount /dev/$home /home 2>/dev/null
- then for u in bin ast
+ then for u in bin
do h=`eval echo "~$u"`
if mkdir $h
then echo " * Creating home directory for $u in $h"