echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ! $1"
+ # check for potential problems with old mbr.
+ disk=`echo -n "/dev/$primary" | sed 's/p[0-3]//'`
+ minix_primaries=`echo -n "" | fdisk "$disk" | grep "MINIX" | wc -l`
+ if [ "$minix_primaries" -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ # old mbr + bootxx will not work with several partitions of
+ # the same type.
+ dd if=/usr/mdec/mbr of=temp_mbr_netbsd bs=1 count=440 2>/dev/null
+ dd if="$disk" bs=1 count=440 2>/dev/null | cmp - temp_mbr_netbsd >/dev/null
+ if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Warning: you have MBR which doesn't support multiple MINIX 3 partitions!"
+ echo "You will be able to boot from the first one only!"
+ echo -n "Do you want to install new MBR into $disk? [Y] "
+ read ok
+ if [ "$ok" = Y -o "$ok" = y -o "$ok" = "" ]
+ then
+ installboot_nbsd -m "$disk" /usr/mdec/mbr >/dev/null
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm temp_mbr_netbsd
+ fi
# No options.
while getopts '' opt; do usage; done
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
echo "You have selected an existing MINIX 3 partition."
echo "Type F for full installation (to overwrite entire partition)"
echo "Type R for a reinstallation (existing /home will not be affected)"
+ echo "Type B to reinstall/upgrade bootloader (no data affected)"
echo ""
- echo -n "(F)ull or (R)einstall? [R] "
+ echo -n "(F)ull, (R)einstall or (B)ootloader install? [R] "
read conf
case "$conf" in
"") confirm="ok"; auto="r"; ;;
[Rr]*) confirm="ok"; auto="r"; ;;
[Ff]*) confirm="ok"; auto="" ;;
+ [Bb]*) confirm="ok"; bootreinstall="ok" ;;
else echo ""
+if [ "$bootreinstall" = "ok" ]
+ echo ""
+ echo " --- Step 5: Reinstall bootloader ----------------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ echo "WARNING: This procedure uses your current /usr to store your /."
+ echo "Once the procedure starts, it has to finish"
+ echo "to restore your / partition. Please make sure it is not interrupted."
+ echo ""
+ echo -n "It's recommended to run fsck before you continue, run? [Y/n] "
+ read ok
+ if [ "$ok" = "y" -o "$ok" = "Y" -o "$ok" = "" ]
+ then
+ fsck.mfs -a "/dev/$root" >/dev/null
+ fsck.mfs -a "/dev/$usr" >/dev/null
+ fi
+ # If there is no ELF stuff and not enough space after repartitioning,
+ # user will fall into trouble. So at first copy new stuff.
+ mount "/dev/$root" /mnt >/dev/null || exit
+ # grep, stat, etc in chroot
+ mount "/dev/$usr" /mnt/usr >/dev/null || exit
+ cp -pf /bin/update_bootcfg /mnt/bin/ && \
+ cp -pf /etc/boot.cfg.default /mnt/etc/ && \
+ cp -pf /boot_monitor /mnt/ || exit
+ if [ ! -d /mnt/boot/minix_default -o ! -r /mnt/boot/minix_default/kernel ]
+ then
+ if [ -r /mnt/boot.cfg ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "There is no /boot/minix_default/, but /boot.cfg exists."
+ echo -n "Do you want to copy minix_default from CD? [Y/n] "
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo -n "There is no /boot/minix_default/, do you want to copy it from CD? [Y/n] "
+ fi
+ read ok
+ if [ "$ok" = "y" -o "$ok" = "Y" -o "$ok" = "" ]
+ then
+ if [ -e /mnt/boot/minix_default ]
+ then
+ echo "Old /boot/minix_default moved to /boot/minix_default_old"
+ mv /mnt/boot/minix_default /mnt/boot/minix_default_old
+ fi
+ cp -rfp /boot/minix_default /mnt/boot/ || exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo " * Updating /boot.cfg"
+ chroot /mnt update_bootcfg
+ umount /mnt/usr && umount /mnt || exit
+ # Check if enough space for new boot
+ let bootspace=`devsize /dev/$primary`-`devsize /dev/$root`-`devsize /dev/$home`-`devsize /dev/$usr` >/dev/null
+ if [ $bootspace -lt $BOOTXXSECTS ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Root partition size will be reduced by up to 16Kb to fit new bootloader."
+ echo "This is not a problem."
+ free_space=`df /dev/$root | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 1`
+ # round 16 => 20
+ if [ "$free_space" -le 20 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Not enough space on /dev/$root, you need at least 20Kb to use new bootloader!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ROOTSECTS=`expr \`devsize /dev/$root\` - $BOOTXXSECTS + $bootspace`
+ free_space=`df /dev/$usr | awk '{print $3}' | tail -n 1`
+ required_space=`df /dev/$root | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n 1`
+ if [ "$required_space" -gt "$free_space" ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "You don't have enough free space on /dev/$usr to backup /dev/$root!"
+ echo "${free_space}Kb available, ${required_space} required."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mkdir /mnt/root && mkdir /mnt/usr || exit
+ echo "Re-mounting your current / and /usr"
+ mount "/dev/$root" /mnt/root || exit
+ mount "/dev/$usr" /mnt/usr || exit
+ mkdir /mnt/usr/tmp/root_backup || exit
+ echo " * Copying / contents"
+ cp -rfp /mnt/root/* /mnt/usr/tmp/root_backup
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Failed to backup root partition, aborting!"
+ rm -rf /mnt/usr/tmp/root_backup
+ # umount shouldn't fail here, but if it will, next
+ # "rm -rf" will serve for user's pleasure.
+ umount /mnt/root >/dev/null || exit
+ umount /mnt/usr >/dev/null || exit
+ rm -rf /mnt/root /mnt/usr
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo " * Copying done"
+ umount /mnt/root
+ umount /mnt/usr
+ add_subpart=""
+ minix_subparts=`echo -n "" | fdisk /dev/$primary | grep "MINIX" | wc -l`
+ if [ "$minix_subparts" -gt 3 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "You have additional subpartition except /, /usr and /home."
+ echo "Partition type will be set to MINIX (81), you can change it later using part."
+ echo -n "Do you want to continue? [Y/n] "
+ read ok
+ [ "$ok" = "n" -o "$ok" = "N" ] && exit
+ add_subpart="81:exist"
+ fi
+ echo " * Repartitioning"
+ partition /dev/$primary $BOOTXXSECTS 81:${ROOTSECTS}* 81:exist 81:exist $add_subpart || exit
+ echo " * mkfs on new /"
+ mkfs.mfs "/dev/$root" || exit
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Failed to repartition /dev/$primary"
+ rmdir /mnt/root
+ rmdir /mnt/usr
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mount "/dev/$usr" /mnt/usr || exit
+ mount "/dev/$root" /mnt/root || exit
+ echo " * Filling new / filesystem"
+ mv /mnt/usr/tmp/root_backup/* /mnt/root/ || exit
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Failed to copy old root data! It is in /tmp/root_backup/"
+ fi
+ rmdir /mnt/usr/tmp/root_backup/
+ umount /mnt/root
+ umount /mnt/usr
+ fi
+ check_mbr
+ installboot_nbsd -f /dev/$primary /usr/mdec/bootxx_minixfs3 >/dev/null || exit 1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Warning: failed to remove /tmp/root_backup!"
+ fi
+ echo "New boot installed successfully! You can reboot now."
+ exit
rmdir $TMPMP
- # check for potential problems with old mbr.
- # space for bootxx has been checked earlier.
- minix_primaries=`echo -n "" | fdisk /dev/$primary | grep "MINIX" | wc -l`
- if [ "$minix_primaries" -gt 1 ]
- then
- # old mbr + bootxx will not work with several partitions of
- # the same type.
- disk=`echo -n "/dev/$primary" | sed 's/p[0-3]//'`
- dd if=/usr/mdec/mbr of=temp_mbr_netbsd bs=1 count=440 2>/dev/null
- dd if="$disk" bs=1 count=440 | cmp - temp_mbr_netbsd >/dev/null
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Warning: you have MBR which doesn't support multiple MINIX 3 partitions!"
- echo "You will be able to boot from the first one only!"
- echo -n "Do you want to install new MBR into $disk? [Y] "
- read ok
- if [ "$ok" = Y -o "$ok" = y -o "$ok" = "" ]
- then
- installboot_nbsd -m "$disk" /usr/mdec/mbr >/dev/null
- fi
- fi
- rm temp_mbr_netbsd
- fi
echo "
You have selected to (re)install MINIX 3 in the partition /dev/$primary.