if [ ! "$auto" = r ]
-then homesize="`devsize /dev/$home` / 2 / 1024"
- if [ "$homesize" -gt "$maxhome" ]
- then
- echo "Sorry, but your /home is too big ($homesize MB) to leave enough"
- echo "space on the rest of the partition ($devsizemb MB) for your"
- echo "selected installation size ($TOTALMB MB)."
- exit 1
- fi
echo ""
echo " --- Step 6: Select the size of /home ----------------------------------"
while [ -z "$homesize" ]
homemb="$homesize MB"
homesize="`expr $homesize '*' 1024 '*' 2`"
+ homesize="`devsize /dev/$home` / 2 / 1024"
+ if [ "$homesize" -gt "$maxhome" ]
+ then
+ echo "Sorry, but your /home is too big ($homesize MB) to leave enough"
+ echo "space on the rest of the partition ($devsizemb MB) for your"
+ echo "selected installation size ($TOTALMB MB)."
+ exit 1
+ fi
# Homesize unchanged (reinstall)
homemb="current size"