./usr/bin/bzip2 minix-sys
./usr/bin/bzip2recover minix-sys
./usr/bin/c++ minix-sys gcccmds
+./usr/bin/c++ minix-sys llvm
./usr/bin/cal minix-sys
./usr/bin/calendar minix-sys
./usr/bin/cawf minix-sys
./usr/bin/cc minix-sys gcccmds
+./usr/bin/cc minix-sys llvm
./usr/bin/cc1 minix-sys gcccmds
./usr/bin/cc1obj minix-sys gcccmds
./usr/bin/cc1plus minix-sys gcccmds
./usr/bin/compress minix-sys
./usr/bin/cpio minix-sys
./usr/bin/cpp minix-sys gcccmds
+./usr/bin/cpp minix-sys llvm
./usr/bin/cprofalyze minix-sys
./usr/bin/crc minix-sys
./usr/bin/cron minix-sys
.if !defined(HOSTPROG)
SYMLINKS+= clang ${BINDIR}/clang++
SYMLINKS+= clang ${BINDIR}/clang-cpp
+# if defined(__MINIX)
+SYMLINKS+= clang ${BINDIR}/cc
+SYMLINKS+= clang ${BINDIR}/c++
+SYMLINKS+= clang ${BINDIR}/cpp
+# endif # defined(__MINIX)
.include <bsd.init.mk>
# For ../Makefile.inc and bsd.own.mk
.include <bsd.init.mk>
+.if defined(__MINIX)
+# In case of installation of both clang and GCC, we want to be able to
+# switch which one is the default by adapting the cc, c++ & cpp symlinks
+PROG= gcpp
PROG= cpp
+.endif # defined(__MINIX)
SRCS= gcc.c cppspec.c prefix.c version.c
+.if defined(__MINIX)
+.if ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
+SYMLINKS= gcpp ${BINDIR}/cpp
+.endif # ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
LINKS= ${BINDIR}/cpp ${BINDIR}/gcpp
+.endif # defined(__MINIX)
TEXINFO= cpp.texi
INFOFLAGS= -I${DIST}/gcc/doc -I${DIST}/gcc/doc/include -I.
+.if defined(__MINIX)
+.if ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
+SYMLINKS+= g++ ${BINDIR}/c++
+.endif # ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
LINKS+= ${BINDIR}/g++ ${BINDIR}/c++
+.endif # defined(__MINIX)
.include "../Makefile.frontend"
+.if defined(__MINIX)
+.if ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
+SYMLINKS+= gcc ${BINDIR}/cc
+.endif # ${HAVE_LLVM:Uno} == "no"
LINKS+= ${BINDIR}/gcc ${BINDIR}/cc
+.endif # defined(__MINIX)
MAN= gcc.1
MLINKS= gcc.1 cc.1 gcc.1 g++.1 gcc.1 c++.1