cmd.ldh = wn->ldhpref;
cmd.command = ATA_IDENTIFY;
+ /* In testing mode, a drive will get ignored at the first timeout. */
+ w_testing = 1;
/* Execute *_IDENTIFY with configured *_IDENTIFY timeout. */
prev_wakeup = wakeup_ticks;
wakeup_ticks = w_identify_wakeup_ticks;
printf("%s: not an ATA device?\n", w_name());
wakeup_ticks = prev_wakeup;
+ w_testing = 0;
return ERR;
if (wn->lcylinders == 0) {
wakeup_ticks = prev_wakeup;
+ w_testing = 0;
} /* no BIOS parameters */
wn->pcylinders = wn->lcylinders;
size = (u32_t) wn->pcylinders * wn->pheads * wn->psectors;
- /* Restore wakeup_ticks. */
+ /* Restore wakeup_ticks and unset testing mode. */
wakeup_ticks = prev_wakeup;
+ w_testing = 0;
/* Size of the whole drive */
wn->part[0].dv_size = mul64u(size, SECTOR_SIZE);