As the release script does not copy over files from the currently
running system anymore, it has appeared that some binaries are
looking for the dynamic loader in /lib instead of /usr/lib.
It has been replaced by a symlink to ensure compatibility with
binaries, until the path is updated in all the toolchains to be
the same.
./etc/utmp minix-sys
./home minix-sys
./libexec/ minix-sys
+./libexec/ld.elf_so minix-sys
./libexec minix-sys
./lib minix-sys
./lib/cpp minix-sys
# And the minix gcc currently references /libexec/
+# Minix Clang binaries references /libexec/ld.elf_so
+SYMLINKS+= ${SHLINKINSTALLDIR}/${PROG} /libexec/ld.elf_so
# This needs to be before
.if defined(BSD_MK_COMPAT_FILE)