-.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gnu"
-SUBDIR = acpi
# memory driver must be last for ramdisk image
SUBDIR+= ahci amddev atl2 at_wini audio bios_wini dec21140A dp8390 dpeth \
e1000 filter floppy fxp hello lance log orinoco pci printer \
- random readclock rtl8139 rtl8169 ti1225 tty \
+ random readclock rtl8139 rtl8169 ti1225 tty acpi \
.WAIT ramdisk .WAIT memory
-.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "ack"
- echo "Skipping ACPI driver, ACK compiler in use"
# The ACPI driver is compilable only with a "gnu" type compiler
+.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} != "gnu"
PROG= acpi
BINDIR?= /usr/sbin
.include <minix.service.mk>
PROGRAMS+= ahci ext2
-# acpi is not compiled with ack
-.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gnu" && ${MKACPI} != "no"
+.if ${MKACPI} != "no"
install ${STRIPFLAG} ../../etc/$@ $@
proto.gen: $(PROGRAMS) $(SCRIPTS) proto.sh ${PROTO}
+ for p in $(PROGRAMS); do file $$p | grep -q ELF && strip -s $$p; done
sh -e proto.sh ${PROTO} >proto.gen
-.if ${OBJECT_FMT} == "ELF"
-proto.gen: elfstrip
-.PHONY: elfstrip
-elfstrip: $(PROGRAMS)
- strip -s $(PROGRAMS)
.include <minix.service.mk>
exec 2>/dev/log
exec </dev/null
-if [ -e /sbin/acpi ]
+if [ -e $ACPI -a -n "`sysenv acpi`" ]
- /bin/service -c up /sbin/acpi
+ /bin/service -c up $ACPI
/bin/service -c up /sbin/pci
/bin/service -cn up /sbin/floppy -dev /dev/fd0