# Makefile for the kernel image.
.include <bsd.own.mk>
-MDEC= /usr/mdec
GEN_FILES= *.bak image kernel *.iso *.iso.gz cdfdimage rootimage src
# LSC detect where were built the objects files
# Specify the programs that are part of the system image.
KERNEL= ${PROGROOT}/minix/kernel/kernel
# PROGRAMS are in the order they should be loaded by boot
PROGRAMS+= ${PROGROOT}/minix/servers/ds/ds
PROGRAMS+= ${PROGROOT}/minix/servers/rs/rs
PROGRAMS+= ${PROGROOT}/minix/fs/pfs/pfs
PROGRAMS+= ${PROGROOT}/sbin/init/init
+all usage help:
@echo " " >&2
- @echo "Master Makefile to create new MINIX configuration." >& 2
+ @echo "Master Makefile to create new MINIX configuration." >&2
@echo "Root privileges are required." >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "Usage:" >&2
@echo " make includes # Install include files" >&2
@echo " make depend # Generate dependency files" >&2
@echo " make services # Compile and install all services" >&2
- @echo " make install # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
@echo " make hdboot # Make image, and install to hard disk" >&2
- @echo " make bootable # Make hard disk bootable" >&2
- @echo " make clean # Remove all compiler results, except libs" >&2
+ @echo " make clean # Remove all compiler results" >&2
@echo " " >&2
@echo "To create a fresh MINIX configuration, try:" >&2
@echo " make clean install # new boot image" >&2
@echo " " >&2
-all: services
+.gitignore: Makefile
+ echo ${GEN_FILES} | tr ' ' '\n' >.gitignore
-# rebuild the program or system libraries
- ${MAKE} -C ../ includes
-libraries: includes
- ${MAKE} -C ../ do-lib
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR} includes
depend: includes .gitignore
- ${MAKE} -C ../ depend
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR} depend
+libraries: includes
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR} do-lib
kernel: libraries
- ${MAKE} -C ../kernel
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/kernel
servers: libraries
- ${MAKE} -C ../servers all install
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/fs all install
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/net all install
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/servers all install
sbin: libraries
- ${MAKE} -C ../sbin all install
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sbin all install
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/sbin all install
-drivers: libraries servers
- ${MAKE} -C ../drivers all install
+drivers: libraries
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/drivers all install
services: kernel servers drivers sbin
-.gitignore: Makefile
- echo ${GEN_FILES} | tr ' ' '\n' >.gitignore
-# make bootable and place system images
- exec su root mkboot bootable ${DESTDIR}
-hdboot install: services .WAIT do-hdboot
@rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp/
${INSTALL_DIR} ${DESTDIR}/boot/minix/.temp
${HOST_SH} ../minix/commands/update_bootcfg/update_bootcfg.sh;\
-# clean up compile results
+hdboot: services .WAIT do-hdboot
- ${MAKE} -C ../lib $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../kernel $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../servers $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../drivers $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/lib $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/kernel $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/fs $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/net $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/servers $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/drivers $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sbin $@
+ ${MAKE} -C ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/minix/sbin $@
rm -rf ${GEN_FILES}
- ${MAKE} -C ../lib $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../kernel $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../servers $@
- ${MAKE} -C ../drivers $@
.include <bsd.sys.mk>