<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3.js"> </script>
-div {
- width: 400px;
- height: 300px;
+.btn {
+ width: 300px;
+ height: 200px;
color: white;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: 10px;
- font-size: 96px;
+ font-size: 48px;
float : left;
\$(function() {
- \$('div').click(function() {
+ \$('.btn').click(function() {
url: 'Ctrl?action='+\$(this).attr('value')
-<div value='0'> Forward </div>
-<div value='1'> Backward </div>
-<div value='2'> TurnLeft </div>
-<div value='3'> TurnRight </div>
-<div value='4'> Rotate<br />Left </div>
-<div value='5'> Rotate<br />Right </div>
-<div value='6'> Stop </div>
+<div> ================= Ace's Raspberry Pi ==================</div>
+<div class='btn' value='0'> Forward </div>
+<div class='btn' value='1'> Backward </div>
+<div class='btn' value='2'> TurnLeft </div>
+<div class='btn' value='3'> TurnRight </div>
+<div class='btn' value='4'> Rotate<br />Left </div>
+<div class='btn' value='5'> Rotate<br />Right </div>
+<div class='btn' value='6'> Stop </div>
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# File Name: GetWanIP.py
+# Author: Zhao Yanbai
+# Thu Oct 30 04:34:37 2014
+# Description: none
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import re,urllib2
+import smtplib
+import ConfigParser
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+MAILTO = xxx@xx.com
+MAILHOST= smtp.xx.com
+MAILUSER= xxxxx
+MAILPASS= *****
+* * * * * root cd /xxx/xxx/xxx/ && python GetWanIP.py >> ./xxx.log 2>&1
+CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '/etc/GetWanIP.conf'
+TMP_FILE_PATH = './WanIP.txt'
+mail_host="" #设置服务器
+mail_user="" #用户名
+mail_pass="" #口令
+mail_postfix="" #发件箱的后缀
+class GetWanIP:
+ def GetIP(self):
+ try:
+ print "Try ip.qq.com"
+ WanIP = self.Visit("http://ip.qq.com")
+ except:
+ WanIP = "Failed to Get WanIP!!!"
+ return WanIP
+ def Visit(self,url):
+ opener = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+ if url == opener.geturl():
+ str = opener.read()
+ return re.search('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+',str).group(0)
+def send_mail(to_list,sub,content): #to_list:收件人;sub:主题;content:邮件内容
+ me=user_nick+"<"+mail_user+"@"+mail_postfix+">" #这里的hello可以任意设置,收到信后,将按照设置显示
+ msg = MIMEText(content,_subtype='html',_charset='gb2312') #创建一个实例,这里设置为html格式邮件
+ msg['Subject'] = sub #设置主题
+ msg['From'] = me
+ msg['To'] = ";".join(to_list)
+ try:
+ s = smtplib.SMTP()
+ s.connect(mail_host) #连接smtp服务器
+ s.login(mail_user,mail_pass) #登陆服务器
+ s.sendmail(me, to_list, msg.as_string()) #发送邮件
+ s.close()
+ return True
+ except Exception, e:
+ print str(e)
+ return False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try :
+ fd = open(TMP_FILE_PATH)
+ try :
+ OldWanIP = fd.readline().strip()
+ except :
+ OldWanIP = ''
+ fd.close()
+ except :
+ OldWanIP = ''
+ getWanIP = GetWanIP()
+ WanIP = getWanIP.GetIP()
+ cnfp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ cnfp.read(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
+ mailto_list.append(cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'MAILTO'))
+ mail_host = cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'MAILHOST')
+ mail_user = cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'MAILUSER')
+ user_nick = cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'USERNICK')
+ mail_pass = cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'MAILPASS')
+ mail_postfix = cnfp.get('EMAIL', 'MAILPOSTFIX')
+ if OldWanIP != WanIP :
+ s = 'WanIP has Changed From ' + OldWanIP + ' To ' + WanIP
+ print s
+ if send_mail(mailto_list,"New WanIP", s):
+ print "发送成功"
+ else:
+ print "发送失败"
+ fd = open(TMP_FILE_PATH, 'w+')
+ fd.write(WanIP+'\n')
+ fd.close()