* in case instrumentation needs to allocate in-band metadata later.
* This does effectively halve the usable part of the caller's address
* space, though, so only do this if we are instrumenting at all.
+ * Also make sure it falls within the mmap range, so that it is
+ * transferred upon live update. This again cuts the usable part of
+ * the address space for caching purposes in half.
alloc_bytes += VM_PAGE_SIZE;
- if (!(vr = map_page_region(caller, VM_PAGE_SIZE, VM_DATATOP,
+ if (!(vr = map_page_region(caller, VM_MMAPBASE, VM_MMAPTOP,
alloc_bytes, VR_ANON | VR_WRITABLE, 0, &mem_type_cache))) {
printf("VM: map_page_region failed\n");
return ENOMEM;