+++ /dev/null
-/* Hacks for version 1.6 */
-#define WORDS_PER_BLOCK (BLOCK_SIZE / (int) sizeof(bitchunk_t))
-#define bit_nr u16_t /* perhaps bit_t should be used, although slower */
-#define block_nr block_t
-#define d_inode d1_inode
-#define d_inum d_ino
-#define dir_struct struct direct
-#define i_mode d1_mode
-#define i_nlinks d1_nlinks
-#define i_size d1_size
-#define i_zone d1_zone
-#define zone_nr zone1_t
-/* fsck - file system checker Author: Robbert van Renesse */
-/* Modified by Norbert Schlenker
-* Removed vestiges of standalone/DOS versions:
-* - various unused variables and buffers removed
-* - now uses library functions rather than private internal routines
-* - bytewise structure copies replaced by structure assignment
-* - fixed one bug with 14 character file names
-* - other small tweaks for speed
-* Modified by Lars Fredriksen at the request of Andy Tanenbaum, 90-03-10.
-* Removed -m option, by which fsck could be told to make a file
-* system on a 360K floppy. The code had limited utility, was buggy,
-* and failed due to a bug in the ACK C compiler. Use mkfs instead!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <minix/config.h>
-#include <minix/const.h>
-#include <minix/type.h>
-#include "mfs/const.h"
-#include "mfs/inode.h"
-#include "mfs/type.h"
-#include <minix/fslib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#define BITSHIFT 5 /* = log2(#bits(int)) */
-#define MAXPRINT 8 /* max. number of error lines in chkmap */
-#define CINDIR 128 /* number of indirect zno's read at a time */
-#define CDIRECT 16 /* number of dir entries read at a time */
-#define BITMASK ((1 << BITSHIFT) - 1)
-#define setbit(w, b) (w[(b) >> BITSHIFT] |= 1 << ((b) & BITMASK))
-#define clrbit(w, b) (w[(b) >> BITSHIFT] &= ~(1 << ((b) & BITMASK)))
-#define bitset(w, b) (w[(b) >> BITSHIFT] & (1 << ((b) & BITMASK)))
-#define ZONE_CT 360 /* default zones (when making file system) */
-#define INODE_CT 95 /* default inodes (when making file system) */
-#include "mfs/super.h"
-struct super_block sb;
-#define STICKY_BIT 01000 /* not defined anywhere else */
-/* Ztob gives the block address of a zone
- * btoa gives the byte address of a block
- */
-#define ztob(z) ((block_nr) (z) << sb.s_log_zone_size)
-#define btoa(b) ((long) (b) * BLOCK_SIZE)
-#define SCALE ((int) ztob(1)) /* # blocks in a zone */
-#define FIRST ((zone_nr) sb.s_firstdatazone) /* as the name says */
-/* # blocks of each type */
-#define N_SUPER 1
-#define N_IMAP (sb.s_imap_blocks)
-#define N_ZMAP (sb.s_zmap_blocks)
-#define N_ILIST ((sb.s_ninodes+INODES_PER_BLOCK-1) / INODES_PER_BLOCK)
-#define N_DATA (sb.s_nzones - FIRST)
-/* Block address of each type */
-#define BLK_SUPER (1)
-#define BLK_FIRST ztob(FIRST)
-#define ZONE_SIZE ((int) ztob(BLOCK_SIZE))
-/* Byte address of a zone/of an inode */
-#define zaddr(z) btoa(ztob(z))
-#define inoaddr(i) ((long) (i - 1) * INODE_SIZE + btoa(BLK_ILIST))
-char *prog, *device; /* program name (fsck), device name */
-int firstcnterr; /* is this the first inode ref cnt error? */
-bitchunk_t *imap, *spec_imap; /* inode bit maps */
-bitchunk_t *zmap, *spec_zmap; /* zone bit maps */
-bitchunk_t *dirmap; /* directory (inode) bit map */
-char rwbuf[BLOCK_SIZE]; /* one block buffer cache */
-block_nr thisblk; /* block in buffer cache */
-char nullbuf[BLOCK_SIZE]; /* null buffer */
-nlink_t *count; /* inode count */
-int changed; /* has the diskette been written to? */
-struct stack {
- dir_struct *st_dir;
- struct stack *st_next;
- char st_presence;
-} *ftop;
-int dev; /* file descriptor of the device */
-#define DOT 1
-#define DOTDOT 2
-/* Counters for each type of inode/zone. */
-int nfreeinode, nregular, ndirectory, nblkspec, ncharspec, nbadinode;
-int npipe, nsyml, nfreezone, ztype[NLEVEL];
-int repair, automatic, listing, listsuper; /* flags */
-int firstlist; /* has the listing header been printed? */
-unsigned part_offset; /* sector offset for this partition */
-char answer[] = "Answer questions with y or n. Then hit RETURN";
-_PROTOTYPE(int main, (int argc, char **argv));
-_PROTOTYPE(void initvars, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void fatal, (const char *s));
-_PROTOTYPE(int eoln, (int c));
-PRIVATE _PROTOTYPE(int yes, (const char *question));
-PRIVATE _PROTOTYPE(int atoo, (const char *s));
-_PROTOTYPE(int input, (char *buf, int size));
-PRIVATE _PROTOTYPE(char *alloc, (unsigned nelem, unsigned elsize));
-PRIVATE _PROTOTYPE(void printname, (const char *s));
-_PROTOTYPE(void printrec, (struct stack *sp));
-_PROTOTYPE(void printpath, (int mode, int nlcr));
-_PROTOTYPE(void devopen, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void devclose, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void devio, (block_nr bno, int dir));
-_PROTOTYPE(void devread, (long offset, char *buf, int size));
-PRIVATE _PROTOTYPE(void devwrite, (long offset, const char *buf, int size));
-_PROTOTYPE(void pr, (const char *fmt, int cnt, const char *s, const char *p));
-_PROTOTYPE(bit_nr getnumber, (const char *s));
-_PROTOTYPE(char **getlist, (char ***argv, char *type));
-_PROTOTYPE(void lsuper, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void getsuper, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chksuper, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void lsi, (char **clist));
-_PROTOTYPE(bitchunk_t *allocbitmap, (int nblk));
-_PROTOTYPE(void loadbitmap, (bitchunk_t *bitmap, block_nr bno, int nblk));
-_PROTOTYPE(void dumpbitmap, (bitchunk_t *bitmap, block_nr bno, int nblk));
-_PROTOTYPE(void fillbitmap, (bitchunk_t *bitmap, bit_nr lwb, bit_nr upb, char **list));
-_PROTOTYPE(void freebitmap, (bitchunk_t *p));
-_PROTOTYPE(void getbitmaps, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void putbitmaps, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chkword, (unsigned w1, unsigned w2, bit_nr bit, char *type, int *n, int *report));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chkmap, (bitchunk_t *cmap, bitchunk_t *dmap, bit_nr bit, block_nr blkno, int nblk, char *type));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chkilist, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void getcount, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void counterror, (Ino_t ino));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chkcount, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void freecount, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void printperm, (mode_t mode, int shift, int special, int overlay));
-_PROTOTYPE(void list, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int Remove, (dir_struct *dp));
-_PROTOTYPE(void make_printable_name, (char *dst, char *src, int n));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkdots, (Ino_t ino, off_t pos, dir_struct *dp, Ino_t exp));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkname, (Ino_t ino, dir_struct *dp));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkentry, (Ino_t ino, off_t pos, dir_struct *dp));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkdirzone, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t pos, zone_nr zno));
-_PROTOTYPE(void errzone, (const char *mess, zone_nr zno, int level, off_t pos));
-_PROTOTYPE(int markzone, (Ino_t ino, zone_nr zno, int level, off_t pos));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkindzone, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr zno, int level));
-_PROTOTYPE(off_t jump, (int level));
-_PROTOTYPE(int zonechk, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr zno, int level));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkzones, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr *zlist, int len, int level));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkfile, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkdirectory, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chklink, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkmode, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkinode, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip));
-_PROTOTYPE(int chkspecial, (Ino_t ino, d_inode *ip) );
-_PROTOTYPE(int descendtree, (dir_struct *dp));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chktree, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void printtotal, (void));
-_PROTOTYPE(void chkdev, (char *f, char **clist, char **ilist, char **zlist));
-/* Initialize the variables used by this program. */
-void initvars()
- register level;
- nregular = ndirectory = nblkspec = ncharspec = nbadinode = npipe = nsyml = 0;
- for (level = 0; level < NLEVEL; level++) ztype[level] = 0;
- changed = 0;
- thisblk = NO_BLOCK;
- firstlist = 1;
- firstcnterr = 1;
-/* Print the string `s' and exit. */
-void fatal(const char *s)
- printf("%s\nfatal\n", s);
- exit(-1);
-/* Test for end of line. */
-int eoln(int c)
- return(c == EOF || c == '\n' || c == '\r');
-/* Ask a question and get the answer unless automatic is set. */
-PRIVATE int yes(const char *question)
- int c, answer;
- if (!repair) {
- printf("\n");
- return(0);
- }
- printf("%s? ", question);
- if (automatic) {
- printf("yes\n");
- return(1);
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- if ((c = answer = getchar()) == 'q' || c == 'Q') exit(1);
- while (!eoln(c)) c = getchar();
- return !(answer == 'n' || answer == 'N');
-/* Convert string to integer. Representation is octal. */
-PRIVATE int atoo(const char *s)
- register int n = 0;
- while ('0' <= *s && *s < '8') {
- n <<= 3;
- n += *s++ - '0';
- }
- return n;
-/* If repairing the file system, print a prompt and get a string from user. */
-int input(char *buf, int size)
- register char *p = buf;
- printf("\n");
- if (repair) {
- printf("--> ");
- fflush(stdout);
- while (--size) {
- *p = getchar();
- if (eoln(*p)) {
- *p = 0;
- return(p > buf);
- }
- p++;
- }
- *p = 0;
- while (!eoln(getchar()));
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
-/* Allocate some memory and zero it. */
-PRIVATE char *alloc(unsigned nelem, unsigned elsize)
- char *p;
- if ((p = (char *) malloc((size_t)nelem * elsize)) == 0) fatal("out of memory");
- memset(p, 0, (size_t)nelem * elsize);
- return(p);
-/* Print the name in a directory entry. */
-PRIVATE void printname(const char *s)
- register n = NAME_MAX;
- int c;
- do {
- if ((c = *s) == 0) break;
- if (!isprint(c)) c = '?';
- putchar(c);
- s++;
- } while (--n);
-/* Print the pathname given by a linked list pointed to by `sp'. The
- * names are in reverse order.
- */
-void printrec(struct stack *sp)
- if (sp->st_next != 0) {
- printrec(sp->st_next);
- putchar('/');
- printname(sp->st_dir->d_name);
- }
-/* Print the current pathname. */
-void printpath(int mode, int nlcr)
- if (ftop->st_next == 0)
- putchar('/');
- else
- printrec(ftop);
- switch (mode) {
- case 1:
- printf(" (ino = %u, ", ftop->st_dir->d_inum);
- break;
- case 2:
- printf(" (ino = %u)", ftop->st_dir->d_inum);
- break;
- }
- if (nlcr) printf("\n");
-/* Open the device. */
-void devopen(void)
- if ((dev = open(device, repair ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
- perror(device);
- fatal("");
- }
-/* Close the device. */
-void devclose()
- if (close(dev) != 0) {
- perror("close");
- fatal("");
- }
-/* Read or write a block. */
-void devio(block_nr bno, int dir)
- if (dir == READING && bno == thisblk) return;
- thisblk = bno;
- lseek(dev, (off_t) btoa(bno), SEEK_SET);
- if (dir == READING) {
- if (read(dev, rwbuf, BLOCK_SIZE) == BLOCK_SIZE)
- return;
- } else {
- if (write(dev, rwbuf, BLOCK_SIZE) == BLOCK_SIZE)
- return;
- }
- printf("%s: can't %s block %ld (error = 0x%x)\n", prog,
- dir == READING ? "read" : "write", (long) bno, errno);
- if (dir == READING) {
- printf("Continuing with a zero-filled block.\n");
- memset(rwbuf, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
- return;
- }
- fatal("");
-/* Read `size' bytes from the disk starting at byte `offset'. */
-void devread(long offset, char *buf, int size)
- devio((block_nr) (offset / BLOCK_SIZE), READING);
- memmove(buf, &rwbuf[(int) (offset % BLOCK_SIZE)], (size_t)size);
-/* Write `size' bytes to the disk starting at byte `offset'. */
-static void devwrite(long offset, const char *buf, int size)
- if (!repair) fatal("internal error (devwrite)");
- if (size != BLOCK_SIZE) devio((block_nr) (offset / BLOCK_SIZE), READING);
- memmove(&rwbuf[(int) (offset % BLOCK_SIZE)], buf, (size_t)size);
- devio((block_nr) (offset / BLOCK_SIZE), WRITING);
- changed = 1;
-/* Print a string with either a singular or a plural pronoun. */
-void pr(const char *fmt, int cnt, const char *s, const char *p)
- printf(fmt, cnt, cnt == 1 ? s : p);
-/* Convert string to number. */
-bit_nr getnumber(const char *s)
- register bit_nr n = 0;
- if (s == NULL)
- return NO_BIT;
- while (isdigit(*s))
- n = (n << 1) + (n << 3) + *s++ - '0';
- return (*s == '\0') ? n : NO_BIT;
-/* See if the list pointed to by `argv' contains numbers. */
-char **getlist(char ***argv, char *type)
- register char **list = *argv;
- register empty = 1;
- while (getnumber(**argv) != NO_BIT) {
- (*argv)++;
- empty = 0;
- }
- if (empty) {
- printf("warning: no %s numbers given\n", type);
- return(NULL);
- }
- return(list);
-/* Make a listing of the super block. If `repair' is set, ask the user
- * for changes.
- */
-void lsuper(void)
- char buf[80];
- do {
- printf("ninodes = %u", sb.s_ninodes);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_ninodes = atol(buf);
- printf("nzones = %u", sb.s_nzones);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_nzones = atol(buf);
- printf("imap_blocks = %u", sb.s_imap_blocks);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_imap_blocks = atol(buf);
- printf("zmap_blocks = %u", sb.s_zmap_blocks);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_zmap_blocks = atol(buf);
- printf("firstdatazone = %u", sb.s_firstdatazone);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_firstdatazone = atol(buf);
- printf("log_zone_size = %u", sb.s_log_zone_size);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_log_zone_size = atol(buf);
- printf("maxsize = %lu", sb.s_max_size);
- if (input(buf, 80)) sb.s_max_size = atol(buf);
- if (yes("ok now")) {
- devwrite(btoa(BLK_SUPER), (char *) &sb, sizeof(sb));
- return;
- }
- } while (yes("Do you want to try again"));
- if (repair) exit(0);
-/* Get the super block from either disk or user. Do some initial checks. */
-void getsuper(void)
- devread(btoa(BLK_SUPER), (char *) &sb, sizeof(sb));
- if (listsuper) lsuper();
- if (sb.s_magic == SUPER_V2) fatal("Cannot handle V2 file systems");
- if (sb.s_magic != SUPER_MAGIC) fatal("bad magic number in super block");
- if ((short) sb.s_ninodes <= 0) fatal("no inodes");
- if (sb.s_nzones <= 2) fatal("no zones");
- if ((short) sb.s_imap_blocks <= 0) fatal("no imap");
- if ((short) sb.s_zmap_blocks <= 0) fatal("no zmap");
- if ((short) sb.s_firstdatazone <= 1) fatal("first data zone too small");
- if ((short) sb.s_log_zone_size < 0) fatal("zone size < block size");
- if (sb.s_max_size <= 0) fatal("max. file size <= 0");
-/* Check the super block for reasonable contents. */
-void chksuper(void)
- register n;
- register off_t maxsize;
- n = bitmapsize((bit_t) sb.s_ninodes + 1, BLOCK_SIZE);
- if (sb.s_magic != SUPER_MAGIC) fatal("bad magic number in super block");
- if ((short) sb.s_imap_blocks < n) fatal("too few imap blocks");
- if (sb.s_imap_blocks != n) {
- pr("warning: expected %d imap_block%s", n, "", "s");
- printf(" instead of %d\n", sb.s_imap_blocks);
- }
- n = bitmapsize((bit_t) sb.s_nzones, BLOCK_SIZE);
- if ((short) sb.s_zmap_blocks < n) fatal("too few zmap blocks");
- if (sb.s_zmap_blocks != n) {
- pr("warning: expected %d zmap_block%s", n, "", "s");
- printf(" instead of %d\n", sb.s_zmap_blocks);
- }
- if (sb.s_firstdatazone >= sb.s_nzones)
- fatal("first data zone too large");
- if ((unsigned short) sb.s_log_zone_size >= 8 * sizeof(block_nr))
- fatal("log_zone_size too large");
- if (sb.s_log_zone_size > 8) printf("warning: large log_zone_size (%d)\n",
- sb.s_log_zone_size);
- n = (BLK_ILIST + N_ILIST + SCALE - 1) >> sb.s_log_zone_size;
- if ((short) sb.s_firstdatazone < n) fatal("first data zone too small");
- if (sb.s_firstdatazone != n) {
- printf("warning: expected first data zone to be %d ", n);
- printf("instead of %u\n", sb.s_firstdatazone);
- }
- maxsize = MAX_FILE_POS;
- if (((maxsize - 1) >> sb.s_log_zone_size) / BLOCK_SIZE >= MAX_ZONES)
- maxsize = ((long) MAX_ZONES * BLOCK_SIZE) << sb.s_log_zone_size;
- if (sb.s_max_size != maxsize) {
- printf("warning: expected max size to be %ld ", maxsize);
- printf("instead of %ld\n", sb.s_max_size);
- }
-/* Make a listing of the inodes given by `clist'. If `repair' is set, ask
- * the user for changes.
- */
-void lsi(char **clist)
- register bit_nr bit;
- register ino_t ino;
- d_inode inode, *ip = &inode;
- char buf[80];
- if (clist == 0) return;
- while ((bit = getnumber(*clist++)) != NO_BIT) {
- setbit(spec_imap, bit);
- ino = bit;
- do {
- devread(inoaddr(ino), (char *) ip, INODE_SIZE);
- printf("inode %u:\n", ino);
- printf(" mode = %06o", ip->i_mode);
- if (input(buf, 80)) ip->i_mode = atoo(buf);
- printf(" nlinks = %6u", ip->i_nlinks);
- if (input(buf, 80)) ip->i_nlinks = atol(buf);
- printf(" size = %6ld", ip->i_size);
- if (input(buf, 80)) ip->i_size = atol(buf);
- if (yes("Write this back")) {
- devwrite(inoaddr(ino), (char *) ip, INODE_SIZE);
- break;
- }
- } while (yes("Do you want to change it again"));
- }
-/* Allocate `nblk' blocks worth of bitmap. */
-bitchunk_t *allocbitmap(int nblk)
- register bitchunk_t *bitmap;
- bitmap = (bitchunk_t *) alloc(nblk, BLOCK_SIZE);
- *bitmap |= 1;
- return(bitmap);
-/* Load the bitmap starting at block `bno' from disk. */
-void loadbitmap(bitchunk_t *bitmap, block_nr bno, int nblk)
- register i;
- register bitchunk_t *p;
- p = bitmap;
- for (i = 0; i < nblk; i++, bno++, p += WORDS_PER_BLOCK)
- devread(btoa(bno), (char *) p, BLOCK_SIZE);
- *bitmap |= 1;
-/* Write the bitmap starting at block `bno' to disk. */
-void dumpbitmap(bitchunk_t *bitmap, block_nr bno, int nblk)
- register i;
- register bitchunk_t *p = bitmap;
- for (i = 0; i < nblk; i++, bno++, p += WORDS_PER_BLOCK)
- devwrite(btoa(bno), (char *) p, BLOCK_SIZE);
-/* Set the bits given by `list' in the bitmap. */
-void fillbitmap(bitchunk_t *bitmap, bit_nr lwb, bit_nr upb, char **list)
- register bit_nr bit;
- if (list == 0) return;
- while ((bit = getnumber(*list++)) != NO_BIT)
- if (bit < lwb || bit >= upb) {
- if (bitmap == spec_imap)
- printf("inode number %u ", bit);
- else
- printf("zone number %u ", bit);
- printf("out of range (ignored)\n");
- } else
- setbit(bitmap, bit - lwb + 1);
-/* Deallocate the bitmap `p'. */
-void freebitmap(p)
-bitchunk_t *p;
- free((char *) p);
-/* Get all the bitmaps used by this program. */
-void getbitmaps()
- imap = allocbitmap(N_IMAP);
- zmap = allocbitmap(N_ZMAP);
- spec_imap = allocbitmap(N_IMAP);
- spec_zmap = allocbitmap(N_ZMAP);
- dirmap = allocbitmap(N_IMAP);
-/* Release all the space taken by the bitmaps. */
-void putbitmaps()
- freebitmap(imap);
- freebitmap(zmap);
- freebitmap(spec_imap);
- freebitmap(spec_zmap);
- freebitmap(dirmap);
-/* `w1' and `w2' are differing words from two bitmaps that should be
- * identical. Print what's the matter with them.
- */
-void chkword(unsigned w1, unsigned w2, bit_nr bit, char *type,
- int *n, int *report)
- for (; (w1 | w2); w1 >>= 1, w2 >>= 1, bit++)
- if ((w1 ^ w2) & 1 && ++(*n) % MAXPRINT == 0 && *report &&
- (!repair || automatic || yes("stop this listing")))
- *report = 0;
- else if (*report)
- if ((w1 & 1) && !(w2 & 1))
- printf("%s %u is missing\n", type, bit);
- else if (!(w1 & 1) && (w2 & 1))
- printf("%s %u is not free\n", type, bit);
-/* Check if the given (correct) bitmap is identical with the one that is
- * on the disk. If not, ask if the disk should be repaired.
- */
-void chkmap(bitchunk_t *cmap, bitchunk_t *dmap, bit_nr bit,
- block_nr blkno, int nblk, char *type)
- register bitchunk_t *p = dmap, *q = cmap;
- int report = 1, nerr = 0;
- int w = nblk * WORDS_PER_BLOCK;
- printf("Checking %s map\n", type);
- loadbitmap(dmap, blkno, nblk);
- do {
- if (*p != *q) chkword(*p, *q, bit, type, &nerr, &report);
- p++;
- q++;
- bit += 8 * sizeof(bitchunk_t);
- } while (--w > 0);
- if ((!repair || automatic) && !report) printf("etc. ");
- if (nerr > MAXPRINT || nerr > 10) printf("%d errors found. ", nerr);
- if (nerr != 0 && yes("install a new map")) dumpbitmap(cmap, blkno, nblk);
- if (nerr > 0) printf("\n");
-/* See if the inodes that aren't allocated are cleared. */
-void chkilist(void)
- register ino_t ino = 1;
- mode_t mode;
- printf("Checking inode list\n");
- do
- if (!bitset(imap, (bit_nr) ino)) {
- devread(inoaddr(ino), (char *) &mode, sizeof(mode));
- if (mode != I_NOT_ALLOC) {
- printf("mode inode %u not cleared", ino);
- if (yes(". clear")) devwrite(inoaddr(ino), nullbuf,
- }
- }
- while (++ino <= sb.s_ninodes);
- printf("\n");
-/* Allocate an array to maintain the inode reference counts in. */
-void getcount()
- count = (nlink_t *) alloc(sb.s_ninodes + 1, sizeof(nlink_t));
-/* The reference count for inode `ino' is wrong. Ask if it should be adjusted. */
-void counterror(ino_t ino)
- d_inode inode;
- if (firstcnterr) {
- printf("INODE NLINK COUNT\n");
- firstcnterr = 0;
- }
- devread(inoaddr(ino), (char *) &inode, INODE_SIZE);
- count[ino] += inode.i_nlinks;
- printf("%5u %5u %5u", ino, (unsigned) inode.i_nlinks, count[ino]);
- if (yes(" adjust")) {
- if ((inode.i_nlinks = count[ino]) == 0) {
- fatal("internal error (counterror)");
-/* This would be a patch
- inode.i_mode = I_NOT_ALLOC;
- clrbit(imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- }
- devwrite(inoaddr(ino), (char *) &inode, INODE_SIZE);
- }
-/* Check if the reference count of the inodes are correct. The array `count'
- * is maintained as follows: an entry indexed by the inode number is
- * incremented each time a link is found; when the inode is read the link
- * count in there is substracted from the corresponding entry in `count'.
- * Thus, when the whole file system has been traversed, all the entries
- * should be zero.
- */
-void chkcount()
- register ino_t ino;
- for (ino = 1; ino <= sb.s_ninodes; ino++)
- if (count[ino] != 0) counterror(ino);
- if (!firstcnterr) printf("\n");
-/* Deallocate the `count' array. */
-void freecount()
- free((char *) count);
-/* Print the inode permission bits given by mode and shift. */
-void printperm(mode_t mode, int shift, int special, int overlay)
- if (mode >> shift & R_BIT)
- putchar('r');
- else
- putchar('-');
- if (mode >> shift & W_BIT)
- putchar('w');
- else
- putchar('-');
- if (mode & special)
- putchar(overlay);
- else
- if (mode >> shift & X_BIT)
- putchar('x');
- else
- putchar('-');
-/* List the given inode. */
-void list(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip)
- if (firstlist) {
- firstlist = 0;
- printf(" inode permission link size name\n");
- }
- printf("%6u ", ino);
- switch (ip->i_mode & I_TYPE) {
- case I_REGULAR: putchar('-'); break;
- case I_DIRECTORY: putchar('d'); break;
- case I_CHAR_SPECIAL: putchar('c'); break;
- case I_BLOCK_SPECIAL: putchar('b'); break;
- case I_NAMED_PIPE: putchar('p'); break;
- case I_SYMBOLIC_LINK: putchar('l'); break;
- default: putchar('?');
- printperm(ip->i_mode, 6, I_SET_UID_BIT, 's');
- printperm(ip->i_mode, 3, I_SET_GID_BIT, 's');
- printperm(ip->i_mode, 0, STICKY_BIT, 't');
- printf(" %3u ", ip->i_nlinks);
- switch (ip->i_mode & I_TYPE) {
- printf(" %2x,%2x ", (dev_t) ip->i_zone[0] >> MAJOR & 0xFF,
- (dev_t) ip->i_zone[0] >> MINOR & 0xFF);
- break;
- default: printf("%7ld ", ip->i_size);
- }
- printpath(0, 1);
-/* Remove an entry from a directory if ok with the user.
- * Don't name the function remove() - that is owned by ANSI, and chaos results
- * when it is a macro.
- */
-int Remove(dir_struct *dp)
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) dp->d_inum);
- if (yes(". remove entry")) {
- count[dp->d_inum]--;
- memset((void *) dp, 0, sizeof(dir_struct));
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
-/* Convert string so that embedded control characters are printable. */
-void make_printable_name(dst, src, n)
-register char *dst;
-register char *src;
-register int n;
- register int c;
- while (--n >= 0 && (c = *src++) != '\0') {
- if (isprint(c) && c != '\\')
- *dst++ = c;
- else {
- *dst++ = '\\';
- switch (c) {
- case '\\':
- *dst++ = '\\'; break;
- case '\b':
- *dst++ = 'b'; break;
- case '\f':
- *dst++ = 'f'; break;
- case '\n':
- *dst++ = 'n'; break;
- case '\r':
- *dst++ = 'r'; break;
- case '\t':
- *dst++ = 't'; break;
- default:
- *dst++ = '0' + ((c >> 6) & 03);
- *dst++ = '0' + ((c >> 3) & 07);
- *dst++ = '0' + (c & 07);
- }
- }
- }
- *dst = '\0';
-/* See if the `.' or `..' entry is as expected. */
-int chkdots(ino_t ino, off_t pos, dir_struct *dp, ino_t exp)
- char printable_name[4 * NAME_MAX + 1];
- if (dp->d_inum != exp) {
- make_printable_name(printable_name, dp->d_name, sizeof(dp->d_name));
- printf("bad %s in ", printable_name);
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("%s is linked to %u ", printable_name, dp->d_inum);
- printf("instead of %u)", exp);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) dp->d_inum);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) exp);
- if (yes(". repair")) {
- count[dp->d_inum]--;
- dp->d_inum = exp;
- count[exp]++;
- return(0);
- }
- } else if (pos != (dp->d_name[1] ? DIR_ENTRY_SIZE : 0)) {
- make_printable_name(printable_name, dp->d_name, sizeof(dp->d_name));
- printf("warning: %s has offset %ld in ", printable_name, pos);
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("%s is linked to %u)\n", printable_name, dp->d_inum);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) dp->d_inum);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) exp);
- }
- return(1);
-/* Check the name in a directory entry. */
-int chkname(ino_t ino, dir_struct *dp)
- register n = NAME_MAX + 1;
- register char *p = dp->d_name;
- if (*p == '\0') {
- printf("null name found in ");
- printpath(0, 0);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- if (Remove(dp)) return(0);
- }
- while (*p != '\0' && --n != 0)
- if (*p++ == '/') {
- printf("found a '/' in entry of directory ");
- printpath(1, 0);
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- printf("entry = '");
- printname(dp->d_name);
- printf("')");
- if (Remove(dp)) return(0);
- break;
- }
- return(1);
-/* Check a directory entry. Here the routine `descendtree' is called
- * recursively to check the file or directory pointed to by the entry.
- */
-int chkentry(ino_t ino, off_t pos, dir_struct *dp)
- if (dp->d_inum < ROOT_INODE || dp->d_inum > sb.s_ninodes) {
- printf("bad inode found in directory ");
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("ino found = %u, ", dp->d_inum);
- printf("name = '");
- printname(dp->d_name);
- printf("')");
- if (yes(". remove entry")) {
- memset((void *) dp, 0, sizeof(dir_struct));
- return(0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- if ((unsigned) count[dp->d_inum] == CHAR_MAX) {
- printf("too many links to ino %u\n", dp->d_inum);
- printf("discovered at entry '");
- printname(dp->d_name);
- printf("' in directory ");
- printpath(0, 1);
- if (Remove(dp)) return(0);
- }
- count[dp->d_inum]++;
- if (strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") == 0) {
- ftop->st_presence |= DOT;
- return(chkdots(ino, pos, dp, ino));
- }
- if (strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") == 0) {
- ftop->st_presence |= DOTDOT;
- return(chkdots(ino, pos, dp, ino == ROOT_INODE ? ino :
- ftop->st_next->st_dir->d_inum));
- }
- if (!chkname(ino, dp)) return(0);
- if (bitset(dirmap, (bit_nr) dp->d_inum)) {
- printf("link to directory discovered in ");
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("name = '");
- printname(dp->d_name);
- printf("', dir ino = %u)", dp->d_inum);
- return !Remove(dp);
- }
- return(descendtree(dp));
-/* Check a zone of a directory by checking all the entries in the zone.
- * The zone is split up into chunks to not allocate too much stack.
- */
-int chkdirzone(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t pos, zone_nr zno)
- dir_struct dirblk[CDIRECT];
- register dir_struct *dp;
- register n = SCALE * (NR_DIR_ENTRIES(BLOCK_SIZE) / CDIRECT), dirty;
- register long offset = zaddr(zno);
- register off_t size = 0;
- do {
- devread(offset, (char *) dirblk, DIRCHUNK);
- dirty = 0;
- for (dp = dirblk; dp < &dirblk[CDIRECT]; dp++) {
- if (dp->d_inum != NO_ENTRY && !chkentry(ino, pos, dp))
- dirty = 1;
- pos += DIR_ENTRY_SIZE;
- if (dp->d_inum != NO_ENTRY) size = pos;
- }
- if (dirty) devwrite(offset, (char *) dirblk, DIRCHUNK);
- offset += DIRCHUNK;
- } while (--n);
- if (size > ip->i_size) {
- printf("size not updated of directory ");
- printpath(2, 0);
- if (yes(". extend")) {
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- ip->i_size = size;
- devwrite(inoaddr(ino), (char *) ip, INODE_SIZE);
- }
- }
- return(1);
-/* There is something wrong with the given zone. Print some details. */
-void errzone(const char *mess, zone_nr zno, int level, off_t pos)
- printf("%s zone in ", mess);
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("zno = %u, type = ", zno);
- switch (level) {
- case 0: printf("DATA"); break;
- case 1: printf("SINGLE INDIRECT"); break;
- case 2: printf("DOUBLE INDIRECT"); break;
- default: printf("VERY INDIRECT");
- }
- printf(", pos = %ld)\n", pos);
-/* Found the given zone in the given inode. Check it, and if ok, mark it
- * in the zone bitmap.
- */
-int markzone(ino_t ino, zone_nr zno, int level, off_t pos)
- register bit_nr bit = (bit_nr) zno - FIRST + 1;
- ztype[level]++;
- if (zno < FIRST || zno >= sb.s_nzones) {
- errzone("out-of-range", zno, level, pos);
- return(0);
- }
- if (bitset(zmap, bit)) {
- setbit(spec_zmap, bit);
- errzone("duplicate", zno, level, pos);
- return(0);
- }
- nfreezone--;
- if (bitset(spec_zmap, bit)) errzone("found", zno, level, pos);
- setbit(zmap, bit);
- return(1);
-/* Check an indirect zone by checking all of its entries.
- * The zone is split up into chunks to not allocate too much stack.
- */
-int chkindzone(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr zno, int level)
- zone_nr indirect[CINDIR];
- register n = NR_INDIRECTS / CINDIR;
- register long offset = zaddr(zno);
- do {
- devread(offset, (char *) indirect, INDCHUNK);
- if (!chkzones(ino, ip, pos, indirect, CINDIR, level - 1)) return(0);
- offset += INDCHUNK;
- } while (--n && *pos < ip->i_size);
- return(1);
-/* Return the size of a gap in the file, represented by a null zone number
- * at some level of indirection.
- */
-off_t jump(int level)
- off_t power = ZONE_SIZE;
- if (level != 0) do
- power *= NR_INDIRECTS;
- while (--level);
- return(power);
-/* Check a zone, which may be either a normal data zone, a directory zone,
- * or an indirect zone.
- */
-int zonechk(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr zno, int level)
- if (level == 0) {
- if ((ip->i_mode & I_TYPE) == I_DIRECTORY &&
- !chkdirzone(ino, ip, *pos, zno))
- return(0);
- *pos += ZONE_SIZE;
- return(1);
- } else
- return chkindzone(ino, ip, pos, zno, level);
-/* Check a list of zones given by `zlist'. */
-int chkzones(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip, off_t *pos, zone_nr *zlist,
- int len, int level)
- register ok = 1, i;
- /* The check on the position in the next loop is commented out, since FS
- * now requires valid zone numbers in each level that is necessary and FS
- * always deleted all the zones in the double indirect block.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < len /* && *pos < ip->i_size */ ; i++)
- if (zlist[i] == NO_ZONE)
- *pos += jump(level);
- else if (!markzone(ino, zlist[i], level, *pos)) {
- *pos += jump(level);
- ok = 0;
- } else if (!zonechk(ino, ip, pos, zlist[i], level))
- ok = 0;
- return(ok);
-/* Check a file or a directory. */
-int chkfile(ino, ip)
-ino_t ino;
-d_inode *ip;
- register ok, i, level;
- off_t pos = 0;
- ok = chkzones(ino, ip, &pos, (zone_nr *)&ip->i_zone[0], NR_DZONE_NUM, 0);
- for (i = NR_DZONE_NUM, level = 1; i < NR_ZONE_NUMS; i++, level++)
- ok &= chkzones(ino, ip, &pos, (zone_nr *)&ip->i_zone[i], 1, level);
- return(ok);
-/* Check a directory by checking the contents. Check if . and .. are present. */
-int chkdirectory(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip)
- register ok;
- setbit(dirmap, (bit_nr) ino);
- ok = chkfile(ino, ip);
- if (!(ftop->st_presence & DOT)) {
- printf(". missing in ");
- printpath(2, 1);
- ok = 0;
- }
- if (!(ftop->st_presence & DOTDOT)) {
- printf(".. missing in ");
- printpath(2, 1);
- ok = 0;
- }
- return(ok);
-/* Check the validity of a symbolic link. */
-int chklink(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip)
- int ok;
- ok = chkfile(ino, ip);
- if (ip->i_size <= 0 || ip->i_size > BLOCK_SIZE) {
- if (ip->i_size == 0)
- printf("empty symbolic link ");
- else
- printf("symbolic link too large (size %ld) ", ip->i_size);
- printpath(2, 1);
- ok = 0;
- }
- return(ok);
-/* Check the validity of a special file. */
-int chkspecial(ino, ip)
-ino_t ino;
-d_inode *ip;
- int i, ok;
- ok = 1;
- if ((dev_t) ip->i_zone[0] == NO_DEV) {
- printf("illegal device number %u for special file ", ip->i_zone[0]);
- printpath(2, 1);
- ok = 0;
- }
- /* FS will not use the remaining "zone numbers" but 1.6.11++ will panic if
- * they are nonzero, since this should not happen.
- */
- for (i = 1; i < NR_ZONE_NUMS; i++)
- if (ip->i_zone[i] != NO_ZONE) {
- printf("nonzero zone number %u for special file ",
- ip->i_zone[i]);
- printpath(2, 1);
- ok = 0;
- }
- return(ok);
-/* Check the mode and contents of an inode. */
-int chkmode(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip)
- switch (ip->i_mode & I_TYPE) {
- case I_REGULAR:
- nregular++;
- return chkfile(ino, ip);
- ndirectory++;
- return chkdirectory(ino, ip);
- nblkspec++;
- return chkspecial(ino, ip);
- ncharspec++;
- return chkspecial(ino, ip);
- case I_NAMED_PIPE:
- npipe++;
- return chkfile(ino, ip);
- nsyml++;
- return chklink(ino, ip);
- default:
- nbadinode++;
- printf("bad mode of ");
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("mode = %o)", ip->i_mode);
- return(0);
- }
-/* Check an inode. */
-int chkinode(ino_t ino, d_inode *ip)
- if (ino == ROOT_INODE && (ip->i_mode & I_TYPE) != I_DIRECTORY) {
- printf("root inode is not a directory ");
- printf("(ino = %u, mode = %o)\n", ino, ip->i_mode);
- fatal("");
- }
- if (ip->i_nlinks == 0) {
- printf("link count zero of ");
- printpath(2, 0);
- return(0);
- }
- nfreeinode--;
- setbit(imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- if ((unsigned) ip->i_nlinks > CHAR_MAX) {
- printf("link count too big in ");
- printpath(1, 0);
- printf("cnt = %u)\n", (unsigned) ip->i_nlinks);
- count[ino] -= CHAR_MAX;
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- } else
- count[ino] -= (unsigned) ip->i_nlinks;
- return chkmode(ino, ip);
-/* Check the directory entry pointed to by dp, by checking the inode. */
-int descendtree(dp)
-dir_struct *dp;
- d_inode inode;
- register ino_t ino = dp->d_inum;
- register visited;
- struct stack stk;
- stk.st_dir = dp;
- stk.st_next = ftop;
- ftop = &stk;
- if (bitset(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino)) {
- printf("found inode %u: ", ino);
- printpath(0, 1);
- }
- visited = bitset(imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- if (!visited || listing) {
- devread(inoaddr(ino), (char *) &inode, INODE_SIZE);
- if (listing) list(ino, &inode);
- if (!visited && !chkinode(ino, &inode)) {
- setbit(spec_imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- if (yes("remove")) {
- count[ino] += inode.i_nlinks - 1;
- clrbit(imap, (bit_nr) ino);
- devwrite(inoaddr(ino), nullbuf, INODE_SIZE);
- memset((void *) dp, 0, sizeof(dir_struct));
- ftop = ftop->st_next;
- return(0);
- }
- }
- }
- ftop = ftop->st_next;
- return(1);
-/* Check the file system tree. */
-void chktree()
- dir_struct dir;
- nfreeinode = sb.s_ninodes;
- nfreezone = N_DATA;
- dir.d_inum = ROOT_INODE;
- dir.d_name[0] = 0;
- if (!descendtree(&dir)) fatal("bad root inode");
- putchar('\n');
-/* Print the totals of all the objects found. */
-void printtotal()
- printf("blocksize = %5d ", BLOCK_SIZE);
- printf("zonesize = %5d\n", ZONE_SIZE);
- printf("\n");
- pr("%6u Regular file%s\n", nregular, "", "s");
- pr("%6u Director%s\n", ndirectory, "y", "ies");
- pr("%6u Block special file%s\n", nblkspec, "", "s");
- pr("%6u Character special file%s\n", ncharspec, "", "s");
- if (nbadinode != 0) pr("%6u Bad inode%s\n", nbadinode, "", "s");
- pr("%6u Free inode%s\n", nfreeinode, "", "s");
- pr("%6u Named pipe%s\n", npipe, "", "s");
- pr("%6u Symbolic link%s\n", nsyml, "", "s");
-/* Don't print some fields.
- printf("\n");
- pr("%6u Data zone%s\n", ztype[0], "", "s");
- pr("%6u Single indirect zone%s\n", ztype[1], "", "s");
- pr("%6u Double indirect zone%s\n", ztype[2], "", "s");
- pr("%6u Free zone%s\n", nfreezone, "", "s");
-/* Check the device which name is given by `f'. The inodes listed by `clist'
- * should be listed separately, and the inodes listed by `ilist' and the zones
- * listed by `zlist' should be watched for while checking the file system.
- */
-void chkdev(f, clist, ilist, zlist)
-char *f, **clist, **ilist, **zlist;
- if (automatic) repair = 1;
- device = f;
- initvars();
- devopen();
- getsuper();
- chksuper();
- lsi(clist);
- getbitmaps();
- fillbitmap(spec_imap, (bit_nr) 1, (bit_nr) sb.s_ninodes + 1, ilist);
- fillbitmap(spec_zmap, (bit_nr) FIRST, (bit_nr) sb.s_nzones, zlist);
- getcount();
- chktree();
- chkmap(zmap, spec_zmap, (bit_nr) FIRST - 1, BLK_ZMAP, N_ZMAP, "zone");
- chkcount();
- chkmap(imap, spec_imap, (bit_nr) 0, BLK_IMAP, N_IMAP, "inode");
- chkilist();
- printtotal();
- putbitmaps();
- freecount();
- devclose();
- if (changed) printf("----- FILE SYSTEM HAS BEEN MODIFIED -----\n\n");
-int main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char **argv;
- register char **clist = 0, **ilist = 0, **zlist = 0;
- register devgiven = 0;
- register char *arg;
- if ((1 << BITSHIFT) != 8 * sizeof(bitchunk_t)) {
- printf("Fsck was compiled with the wrong BITSHIFT!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- sync();
- prog = *argv++;
- while ((arg = *argv++) != 0)
- if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] != 0 && arg[2] == 0) switch (arg[1]) {
- case 'a': automatic ^= 1; break;
- case 'c':
- clist = getlist(&argv, "inode");
- break;
- case 'i':
- ilist = getlist(&argv, "inode");
- break;
- case 'z':
- zlist = getlist(&argv, "zone");
- break;
- case 'r': repair ^= 1; break;
- case 'l': listing ^= 1; break;
- case 's': listsuper ^= 1; break;
- default:
- printf("%s: unknown flag '%s'\n", prog, arg);
- }
- else {
- chkdev(arg, clist, ilist, zlist);
- clist = 0;
- ilist = 0;
- zlist = 0;
- devgiven = 1;
- }
- if (!devgiven) {
- printf("Usage: fsck1 [-acilrsz] file\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return(0);